Seungwoo-A Boxing Success?

243 5 3

Genre : AU

Song :BTS Whalien 52

requested by dongsyoki

third person's pov
"you sure i won't regret joining? i feel like i regret even more with every step i take." Yoonjin said. "we signed up ages ago and today is the first lesson. we didn't even put on the boxing gloves yet." Haena sighed at her whining friend. "hey don't forget i signed up because of you." Yoonjin said. "yes , you're very nice." Haena said.

when the two entered the dim looking place , a guy approached them immediately. "hello , i'm Daniel. may i help you?" he smiled. "hello! we're here to start our kickboxing course." Haena said excitedly. "ah , you must be Seungwoo hyung's new students. follow me , i'll take you to him." Daniel said as he escorted them to Seungwoo.

"Seungwoo hyung , here are your new students." Daniel said and the tall , buff guy turned around. Haena's eyes lit up while Yoonjin wasn't shakened at all. "hey he handsome." Haena smirked. "let me remind you we're here to learn kickboxing , not have a blind date." Yoonjin whispered.

"thank you Daniel , you can leave us." Seungwoo smiled. "enjoy your first class!" Daniel smiled before leaving the three alone. "hello , i'm Han Seungwoo." he said while walking towards where the gloves were. "hi! i'm Haena and this is my friend Yoonjin!" Haena introduced.

"here , i'll first teach you how to put these on." Seungwoo said showing them some bandages meant for boxing. "these are not the typical bandages for injuries , these have special paddings in them to protect your hands when boxing. it's always important to put them on even if you'll have boxing gloves on." Seungwoo said.

he taught them how to put the bandages properly on their own. "we'll start with basic punches." Seungwoo said. "wait , can we learn kicks? or is it a must to start with punches first?" Yoonjin asked. "we can learn kicks first if you want." Seungwoo smiled.

"it's always important for you to control your strength during kickboxing. too much can mean you'll injure yourself." Seungwoo went to get a kicking pad. "let's start easy , kick this kicking pad. we'll work on your forms and strength." Seungwoo said.

"Haena you go first." Yoonjin said. Haena started kicking while Seungwoo corrected her along the way. Yoonjin stood at the side and tried to copy Haena. once Seungwoo was done with Haena , Yoonjin stepped forward.

"i have higher expectations for you because you were observing earlier on." Seungwoo joked. "i'll try my best." Yoonjin smiled. her first few kicks were good , just that she was using her ankle to do the kicks. "your strength control is good but try not to strain the kicks on your ankle or you'll injure it. we'll try a lower kick to correct that." Seungwoo lowered the kicking pad so it'll be easier for Yoonjin to kick.

however , Yoonjin didn't aim the correct area and kicked hard at Seungwoo's groin. Seungwoo fell to the floor while resisting the need to yell in pain. both Haena and Yoonjin were too shocked to move. "i-i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to kick you! are you alright?" Yoonjin panicked. "it's...fine..." Seungwoo squeezed out.

after about a few minutes , Seungwoo felt much better. Haena went home because Seungwoo was not in the condition to teach them and Yoonjin insisted to stay. "i felt very bad about that. i wanna make it up to you? do i sign up for more hours so you can earn more? or introduce friends to join this?" Yoonjin asked. "please don't feel bad about it. it's my fault for positioning the kicking pad near my groin." Seungwoo said.

"but i still kicked you." Yoonjin said. "well if you really feel bad , you can go out with me."  Seungwoo asked timidly. "p-pardon?" Yoonjin asked. "go out with me as the compensation." Seungwoo said. Yoonjin was confused because it's so sudden for Seungwoo to ask about this.

"it's really fine if you don't want to. i didn't ask for compensation either." Seungwoo said. "when?" Yoonjin asked. Seungwoo couldn't hide his smile. "whenever you're free."


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