Dongpyo-Pick Me

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Genre : Fluff

Song : Seventeen Pretty U

requested by ShiningPeliksue

third person's pov
Jungji was getting ready to head out with her neighbour , also known as her childhood friend Son Dongpyo , because it was their school holiday. it was evening so they wanted to get dinner before going to wherever Dongpyo wanted to bring her to. "let's go." Jungji smiled to Dongpyo when she stepped out of her house seeing him waiting for her outside her door.

"where do you wanna have dinner?" Dongpyo asked. "anything in mind for you?" Jungji asked. "well , since we're going to where i wanna go later , it's only fair for you to decide where we're eating." he smiled. "then i'm craving for bibimbap and mandu. shall we go visit the aunty down the street? it's been long since we've seen her." Jungji suggested and Dongpyo agreed. they used to go there to have lunch and the aunty who owned the shop took really good care of them like her own grandchildren. due to the increase in amount of homework and projects , they usually stay in school to have lunch instead of going to the shop to have lunch together.

"hello aunty!" the two greeted in unison. the lady's eyes lit up when she saw them and immediately rushed to them after serving the customer. "it's so great to see you two after so long. how are you guys?" she asked. "we're fine , just a little stressed out from school." Jungji said. "aw , and you two look like you lost a lot of weight. i'll make sure you guys eat your full today." she chuckled , leading them to a table for two. "i think it's also some stress from love right?" she winked to Dongpyo who gulped looking away.

"just wait here while i get the chef to prepare your share." she said walking away only to step back to them. "and mandu for you , i remember." she smiled to Jungji who returned a smile back to her. "can't believe she still looks the same and still treats us with love." Jungji said. "yeah , she remembers you like mandu too." Dongpyo said. "but what stress from love was she talking about? you like someone?" Jungji asked with a smirk. "no.." Dongpyo said. "come on! don't lie to me." Jungji said. "alright , i liked someone before. but not anymore." he said.

when they were served their food , they dug in and finished the food quickly which made the aunty feel exhilarated. "come by soon!" the aunty said after the two paid for their meal. they were now on their way to where Dongpyo wanted to go. "park?" Jungji asked after seeing a familiar place. "we're not just gonna see people walk around. we're going to see the stars." Dongpyo raised his backpack. "what's in there?" Jungji asked with excitement. "things that will help us last while watching the stars." Dongpyo said.

when the two found a spot to sit at , Dongpyo took out a picnic mat enough for two and the two sat down. "there's stars. a lot o stars." Jungji said while looking at the sky. "yeah , many of them." Dongpyo said looking at Jungji with dreamy eyes. he took a deep breath in silently and reached into his bag to take out a box of chocolates. "Jungji..i have something for you." Dongpyo said making Jungji turn to him. "yeah?" she looked at what he had in his hands. Dongpyo handed the chocolates to her without saying anything.

"wow.." Jungji smiled while she opened the box. there was a paper attached on the cover from the inside. she took the paper and opened it to read it. "pick me now (SDP) , KJJ" she read it out. "pick me now (Son Dongpyo) , Kang Jungji." Dongpyo said. "Dongpyo , i-" Jungji got cut off by Dongpyo. "no , don't tell me anything. i'm not ready to hear your answer." Dongpyo sighed. "no , i thought you said you didn't like anyone when i asked if you liked anyone." Jungji said. "i-i didn't want you to know before i could confess." Dongpyo said. "why are you so negative about my answer. i never said i'll reject you." Jungji's words gave Dongpyo's face life. he couldn't hide his happiness. "you're my pick , Son Dongpyo."


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