Eunsang-She's My 'Girlfriend' Pt. 1

400 14 1

Genre : Fluff

Song : NCT 127 Angel

requested by sksksksksskoop-

third person's pov
"what? you can't make it?" Cheonyoon asked. "yeah , really sorry! my mom made last minute plans." her friend Ashlyn said from the phone. "alright then. i'll watch the movie alone." Cheonyoon sighed. "i'll treat you a meal as a compensation." Ashlyn said. "you said it. i'll wait for that meal." Cheonyoon said. after she hung up , she went to grab popcorn for herself and waited for the theatre doors to open.

on the other hand , Eunsang was at the very same place where Cheonyoon was. just that he was here to treat himself by watching a movie on his on. when he turned around upon buying his ticket , his widened his eyes after seeing someone he dreaded to see—his ex , Han Soojung. Eunsang quickly turned around to avoid looking at Soojung. "why out of everywhere and everyone , her , over here?!" he mumbled to himself. occasionally , he peaked over to look at Soojung to check if she was still there.

knowing his ex well , he knows she'll come begging him to be back together if she sees him. he needed to do something because he isn't letting the money he just spent on the movie ticket and snacks go to waste. Eunsang just hid away from Soojung's sight until the theatre doors were open. unfortunately for him , she was heading towards the same theatre as he was. "how unlucky am i.." he cursed under his breath.

Cheonyoon had already entered the theatre with her popcorn box in her arms. she placed her bag in the seat where Ashlyn was suppose to sit. she took her phone and started to go through social media to kill time.

suddenly , a strange young man took her bag and sat in the sit with her bag on his lap. Cheonyoon looked at him with a confused look as he just faced up front. when he finally turned to look at her , he gave her an awkward smile. "sorry but i think you got the wrong seat. this is my friend's seat." Cheonyoon said. "well i don't see your friend. let me sit here first. i'll move somewhere else later." Eunsang said. "you're rude. can you go away?" Cheonyoon frowned.

Eunsang sat himself to face Cheonyoon going closer to her. "please , i need you to act like my girlfriend. my ex is here and she's very possessive. if you can do me this favour i'll buy you any food you want to eat." Eunsang said. "food? why out of everything , food?" Cheonyoon asked. "isn't that what people like?" Eunsang asked.

before Cheonyoon could give him her reply , Eunsang quickly changed his expression from a panicked one to a smile. "she's here." he said between his smile. Eunsang had his eyes shifted to the corner when he could to see where Soojung would be sitting. she walked into the row two rows away from where they were sitting and sat down directly behind them. "how long will it take for your friend to reach?" Eunsang asked after seeing Soojung sit. "why?" Cheonyoon asked. "she's sitting two rows directly behind us." Eunsang said. "great , got any better ideas?" Cheonyoon scoffed. "i'm sorry , i didn't think she'd sit there." Eunsang said with embarrassment. after a moment of awkward silence , Eunsang stole a peak from Cheonyoon to see that she was looking forward , expressionless.

"should i leave?" Eunsang asked. Cheonyoon turned to look at him and sighed. "nevermind , my friend isn't coming in the first place." Cheonyoon said. Eunsang smiled a little before sitting himself comfortably next to her. when the advertisements started playing , someone tapped Eunsang's shoulder making him turn.

"Eunsang?" Soojung smiled. "oh. hey." Eunsang said. it was pretty dark but the light from the huge screen in front made it possible to see. "and this is?" Soojung's smile faded after seeing Cheonyoon. "oh , she's my girlfriend.." Eunsang looked at Cheonyoon trying to tell her to say her name since he didn't know. "hi , i'm Seo Cheonyoon." Cheonyoon smiled , playing along. "g-girlfriend?" Soojung was visibly upset. "yeah , we just started about 2 months ago." Eunsang said. Cheonyoon was having such a hard time keeping a straight face.

"2 months? we broke up 3 months moved on quick fast huh.." Soojung said. "yeah , i told you we should have broken up months ago because i no longer felt attracted to you. you just didn't listen." Eunsang said. "i did! but letting you go isn't easy." Soojung said. "then cheating on me is easy?" Eunsang asked making Soojung shut up. "leave me alone Soojung , i want to enjoy my alone time with my girlfriend." Eunsang said. Cheonyoon slid her hand in Eunsang's , who looked pissed. she gave a comforting smile to him.

Soojung quietly walked away from them and out of the theatre. "sorry you needed to hear all that. she wasn't a pleasant woman." Eunsang said. "it's alright. you okay? you look mad." Cheonyoon asked. "well , anyone who got cheated on would feel mad. talking about just makes my blood boil." Eunsang said.

both of their eyes landed on their locked hands to which Cheonyoon tried to pull her hand away. "sorry , i thought this would help the play." but Eunsang gripped on tighter. "it's fine , but can we just hold on like this? at least till the end of the movie. i like the feeling of holding someone's hand." Eunsang asked. "well , you owe me two meals." Cheonyoon said. "another meal for holding your hand?" he asked and she nodded. "i don't let anyone just hold my hand whenever they want to alright?" she chuckled.


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