Dongpyo-I'm A Man

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Genre : Fluff

Song : Infinite Man In Love

requested by imdyinghere

third person's pov
Soohee and Dongpyo were friends who dance together in their dance club at school. Soohee is a senior to Dongpyo who adores Dongpyo for how cute he is. the reason why Dongpyo choosed to enter the dance club in their school was because Soohee recruited him and he couldn't say no to her. it was from then on the two started getting closer to one another.

it was another day in school and dance club members have practice today. Soohee bid goodbye to her classmates and joined her group of friends she made in the club. Dongpyo was sitting two tables away from her with his friends and couldn't take his eyes off her. "Dongpyo , at this rate i'd rather you confess to her. seeing you keep peeking at her makes me creeped out." one of his friends said. "what do you know , a confession isn't that easy to make." Dongpyo pouted.

when heir break time was over , all the dance members went to the dance studio and the seniors led the warm up and stretches for the juniors. lucky for Dongpyo , Soohee was in-charge of taking care of the boys in his batch. "Dongpyo , arms to the front already." Soohee said with a smile. Dongpyo was day dreaming and didn't hear Soohee so she stepped forward and pulled his arms out making him snap out of his thoughts. his cheeks instantly went bright red. "why weren't you listening?" Soohee frowned jokingly and Dongpyo smiled embarrassingly. whenever Soohee was around , he always gets distracted.

Dongpyo occasionally imagines Soohee next to him and films a movie of his own in his mind. that should explain why he's always distracted whenever Soohee is around. after dance , Dongpyo wanted to ask Soohee if she'd like to have dinner with him but didn't have the courage to. "go on , she's just right there. she's alone too." his friends were convincing him to but Dongpyo just shakes his head in refusal. just then , Soohee approached them all and asked , "hey boys , wanna go have dinner? my friends are all going out with their boyfriends and i'm left alone." Soohee said. "well , all of us have plans after practice but Dongpyo doesn't! he can join you!" a guy said. Dongpyo widened his eyes at the guy. "great! Dongpyo is it fine with you?" Soohee asked. "yes! i mean , yes sunbae.." he said. "let's go then." Soohee smiled walking out of the studio.

once Dongpyo was done packing his bag , he rushed out of the studio and met Soohee. "where do you wanna eat?" Soohee asked. "i'm fine with anyone- ah anything!" Dongpyo smacked his head due to his mistake. Soohee chuckled. "cute." she ruffled his hair. they ended up going to a shop down the street and had stir fried noodles. "i'll go pay." Soohee stood up but was stopped by Dongpyo. "please let me pay sunbae." he got up quickly and went straight to the cashier. Soohee smiled and grabbed both her and Dongpyo's bag.

"do you live near here?" Soohee asked. "yeah , right down this street is my house." Dongpyo said. "guess we'll be going on our separate ways now. bye Dongpyo! thanks for having dinner with me." Soohee wanted to leave when Dongpyo grabbed her wrist. his cheeks were getting red , head slowly drops as he took a deep breath in and gushed his confession out. "Soohee sunbae , i like you." Dongpyo said. "w-what?" she chuckled. Soohee was not taking Dongpyo seriously and laughed it off like an older sister would tease her younger brother. "i'm serious sunbae , i really like you. you're the reason why i joined dance , and started dancing." Dongpyo said. "sure sure Dongpyo , i think it's getting late. you should go home now." Soohee caressed his head only to get her arm grabbed by him.

"i'm a man , don't look at me as a boy noona." Dongpyo looked at Soohee with a serious look. Soohee could feel that Dongpyo was being serious so she stopped kidding around. "Dongpyo-ah.." she said. "i know you only looked at me as a brother but i always looked at you as a woman. i hope you'll give me an answer after thinking about it longer." Dongpyo said. "i can give you my answer now." Soohee said. Dongpyo held his breath in as he waited for her to give him the answer.

"let's go out , Son Dongpyo." she smiled.

A/N : oh how much i miss Infinite OT7 :( they were the reason why i entered kpop , or else i won't be even writing fanfics today.

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