Minhee-Jealous Best Friend

691 20 0

Genre : Fluff

Song : Weki Meki Crush

requested by yEeEeeTT__

third person's pov
Chaeyoon , Minhee and Eunsang have been best friends ever since kindergarden. they entered the same middle school and graduated together before entering the same high school. whenever they go out , they never leave one out. it was like a compulsory thing for all three to be present.

it was another day of hanging out for them and they were just chilling at an outdoor café. "i'm gonna get water , do you guys want any?" Chaeyoon asked and they nodded before she went to get the drinks. once she was back with the bottles , she placed them down on the table and handed one to Minhee before taking one to open for Eunsang. Minhee noticed it and rolled his eyes before putting the bottle he was holding in his hand , back down on the table. he looks elsewhere with a frown and Chaeyoon chuckled under her breath.

"do you want mine?" Eunsang offered his bottle that was opened by Chaeyoon but Minhee pushed his hand away , rejecting it. "no thanks , your drink taste nicer." he sighed. Chaeyoon sighs and takes Minhee's bottle to open for him. Minhee smiled secretly but quickly acts cool about it and drinks the water Chaeyoon opened for him.

what Minhee doesn't know is that Eunsang has told Chaeyoon about his feelings for her. Minhee told Eunsang that he likes Chaeyoon and requested him not to tell her anything but of course Eunsang didn't keep it a secret because he found it funny. so ever since Chaeyoon knew about Minhee's feelings for her , both Chaeyoon and Eunsang have been teasing Minhee about it ; without him knowing a single thing.

after having lunch at the café , they went to Eunsang's house after buying tons of snacks at the convenience store near his place. they started watching comedy shows while munching on the snacks they bought. Minhee and Eunsang both opened a packet of chips each and both Chaeyoon and Eunsang exchanged glances before she started smiling. Minhee offered her his chips but she reached for Eunsang's chips. Minhee glared at her with a shocked look. "what?" Chaeyoon asked and reached for his but he quickly got it out of her reach. "his tastes better , eat his share." Eunsang giggled and earned a glare from Minhee. "sorry." Eunsang cleared his throat and looked away.

hours later..

"see you next week in school!" Eunsang said as he sent the two off. Minhee and Chaeyoon both lived a few blocks away from each other so it was convenient for them to head home together. on their way home , Chaeyoon felt dizzy but didn't tell Minhee at all thinking it was just her feeling tired. when she got home , she passed out on the bed due to her tiredness and dizziness.

the next day..

Chaeyoon's mom came inside her room before she wanted to leave for work but realised how pale looking Chaeyoon was and checked on her only to find out she was having fever. "oh dear." she sighed before taking her phone to call Eunsang who didn't pick up. she called Minhee praying he'll answer to which he did. "Minhee? Chaeyoon is having a fever but i can't take care of her now. are you free to look after her?" she asked. "sure , i'll be there in 10 minutes." Minhee said before hanging up.

what Chaeyoon's mom didn't know is that Minhee works part-time and he has a shift today but decided to take leave for Chaeyoon. once he reached her place , Chaeyoon's mom thanked him before she left for work with Chayeoon's dad. Minhee went to the kitchen and took a bucket of iced water and a towel before heading to Chaeyoon's room. after wetting the towel , he placed it on Chaeyoon's forehead which caused her to wake up from the sudden coldness on her forehead. "Minhee?" Chaeyoon mumbled after seeing him in front of her.

"your mom called me here because you fell ill." Minhee said. "me?" Chaeyoon said trying to get up but Minhee forbid her to. "stay still , you have a fever." Minhee said. "i need to go soon. you take care of yourself by staying here." Chaeyoon widened her eyes at Minhee. "can't you stay with me today?" she pouted. "you should've taken care of yourself. happy now? you deserve it." Minhee sighed and left her room.

after he acted cool while exiting the house , he rushed to the pharmacy and got some medications for Chaeyoon. he then came back with the medicine and poured a glass of water before entering Chaeyoon's room. "take this , have these pills and get better soon. i can't take leave from work tomorrow alright?" Minhee said. "can we go out?" Chaeyoon asked. "out?! you still wanna go out?" Minhee exclaimed making Chaeyoon chuckle. "i meant , go out as in a date." Chaeyoon said. "w-what?" Minhee asked. "i'm asking you on a date , Kang Minhee." she giggled.

"what makes you think i'll accept you?" Minhee asked acting like he didn't like her. "the fact that your other best friend told me that you liked me too." Chaeyoon smiled. "other best friend?—Lee Eunsang!" Minhee smacked his head. "knew better than to let him know about it." he mumbled. "well , so are you saying you don't like the fact that i asked you out? i'll take it as a rejection then." Chaeyoon said. "no! i accept it! but you need to get better first." Minhee blushed.


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