Junho-Please Come Back

735 22 0

Genre : Fluff + Angst

Song : AB6IX Dance For Two

requested by ShiningPeliksue

third person's pov
"you always do that! i'm sick and tired of your irresponsibility!" Yeokhwon yelled at her stepmom before shutting the doors of her room. "fine! see if i care! you don't respect me as your elder anyway!" her stepmom yelled back.

Yeokhwon grabbed her duffle bag and took all her clothes from her cupboard , stuffing them into her bag. she grabbed her wallet , her phone , and everything that was important to her before sitting on her bed. she snapped a shot of her duffle bag and wrote a caption , 'so done with my useless stepmom.' before posting it on her instagram story for close friends.

she waited till everyone in the house was asleep ; well everyone meant her stepmom and her younger stepbrother. her dad was probably working overtime again. she grabbed her duffle bag and got out of the house quietly. she didn't know where to go but she just knew she couldn't stay under the same roof as her stepmom anymore.

Yeokhwon sat on the bench by the streets and started crying as she recalled the horrible memories she had with her stepmom. her stepmom always drank and spends her dad's money. they weren't poor but not wealthy as well. at the rate her stepmom was using her dad's money , they'll probably be broke soon. she had no idea why her dad even married a spendthrift.

her phone started vibrating from the texts she was receiving from her best friend , Junho. well to be more exact he's her crush. she liked him the moment they started becoming friends. he was a conservative person so she was the one who initiated being friends. which made her believe he didn't have any mutual feelings for her like she did for him.

Yeokhwon wasn't in the mood to answer or read any texts so she ignored them , even if they were coming from Junho himself. she did add him into her close friends list so he probably saw what she posted there.

as time passed by , Yeokhwon continuously received texts from Junho and soon it became calls too. however , she still didn't answer them.

Yeokhwon carried her duffle bag and walked to a nearby hotel to book a room for herself. she was intending to stay there till she couldn't. after settling in the room , she got frustrated by the amount of texts and calls she was receiving from Junho so she switched off her phone and threw it aside before going to bed.

time skip~

Junho on the other hand , was extremely worried. it has been 5 days since Yeokhwon's absence and her stepmom wasn't even intending to go looking for her. her dad was too busy with work and believed her stepmom when she told him Yeokhwon was sleeping over at a good friend's place. being a horrible dad he already was , he didn't know the only good friend Yeokhwon had was Junho.

Junho was having mixed feelings. Yeokhwon clearly received his texts and messages but didn't respond. this meant she was just plainly ignoring them. he then decided to send voice messages to her , hoping that by any chance she might just open and hear them.

"Yeokhwon , i don't know what exactly happened but i hope you know that you mean a lot to me. i can't and won't let anything happen to you. please reply me the moment you open this , at least give me a sign you're alright."

he sent her the very first voice message.

"i don't know if i should say this but you're someone really important to me. i don't want anything bad to happen to you."

the second voice message.

"here's something i wanna tell you. i really hope you'll hear this so i won't be recording in vain. when you hear this , please come back to me."

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