Seungwoo-Special Surprise

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Genre : Fluff

Song : CIX The One

requested by ddeung

third person's pov
Seungwoo and y/n were going on a date today. y/n was waiting for Seungwoo who isn't at the place they agreed to meet up at. y/n hated people who were late or anything so she was starting to get pissed off at the fact that Seungwoo is running late. she called his phone about 4 times in a row but he wasn't answering. she decided to call one last time before she gives up and heads home. "hello?" Seungwoo finally answered. "where are you? we agreed to meet at 12pm today and it's already 1pm." y/n said. "i'm on my way , i woke up late. sorry darling." Seungwoo chuckled. "that isn't funny." y/n scoffed before hanging up.

when Seungwoo arrived , he surprised her from behind by giving her a backhug. y/n was happy Seungwoo was finally here but immediately pushed him away after she was reminded about his punctuality issue. "you're late!" she scoffed. "i'm late? really?" he smiled. "you should be saying sorry. i'm angry. i'm off." y/n said irritated. "where are you going?" Seungwoo chuckled looking at his cute angry girlfriend trying to stomp off. "i don't know." she walked away. "where are you going? are you going home?" Seungwoo said holding in his laughter. y/n walked back to Seungwoo and said , "hold me." she turned to walk away again. Seungwoo smirked as he followed her from behind. "hold you?" he pulled her into his arms. "i'm sorry." he smiled. when he broke the hug , y/n was still pouting.

"i'm sorry baby..cheer up please? i'll get you something to eat , anything for you." Seungwoo pinched her cheeks trying his best to make her smile. "really? i cant choose what ever i wanna eat?" y/n asked and Seungwoo nodded. y/n smirked and nodded. "you're forgiven." she said. Seungwoo stole a kiss from her when she has her guard down. "you!" y/n said and Seungwoo smiled cheekily. "i know you liked that." he giggled. "you need to stop kissing me without permission." y/n scoffed. Seungwoo leaned in and kissed y/n again. "stop it! we're outside!" y/n hit his shoulder lightly. "you like it." Seungwoo teased. "alright stop for real , i'm hungry." y/n whined. "let's go have some food. what do you wanna have?" Seungwoo asked. "there's a café down the street that i wanna try. can we go there?" y/n asked and seungwoo nodded. "yes of course." he slid his arm around her waist as the two walked to the café.

when they arrived , they ordered pieces of cakes that were of different flavours. "they look so pretty i don't even wanna eat them." y/n said snapping pictures of the cakes. Seungwoo was doing the same so she wasn't bothering him. when the both were done with photo-taking , they dug in. "it's not bad , i like it." Seungwoo said. "we should come here more often." y/n said. Seungwoo chuckled after glancing at y/n. "what are you laughing at?" y/n asked. "you have cream on your chin. how did you get it there?" Seungwoo reached out and cleaned the cream away , licking his finger that had the cream on. "you could have just told me where it was and i could have cleaned it away myself." y/n blushed. "i wanted to." Seungwoo smirked.

the two finished the food and had a little walk in the nearby park since it was sunny and windy so the weather was just nice. "i have something for you , only if you promise to wear it everyday." Seungwoo said and y/n nodded. Seungwoo took out a small cube box and went onto his knees. "what are you doing? get up!" y/n said. Seungwoo opened the cube box revealing an engagement ring. y/n stood rooted to the ground after seeing what was in front of her. "you know what i'm gonna say right?" Seungwoo smirked. "are you serious?" she asked and he smiled. "marry me y/n , it's my special surprise for you." Seungwoo said. "this is happening too quickly i- i don't know what to say." y/n felt tears in the brim of her eyes. "a yes would be a thing for you to say and for me to hear." Seungwoo smiled. y/n nodded as a reply because she could feel a lump in her throat indicating she's about to cry. Seungwoo got up and put the engagement ring into her forth finger , giving her a peck on her forehead afterwards. "thank you." she mumbled. "no , thank you for accepting my proposal." Seungwoo pulled her into a hug ; a tight one.


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