Minhee-One-Sided Love Pt. 2

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Genre : Angst + Fluff

Song : NCT 127 Back 2 U

requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

third person's pov
it has been months since their break and Minhee still hasn't moved on from their break. Yonghoon didn't feel so hurt from the break but more of a shocked feeling since the break up was so unexpected. it didn't hurt her as much since her feelings for him faded when they were together. the only thing she felt was emptiness , because a guy who was always by her side suddenly disappeared.

Yonghoon was now working part time at a convenience store since she needed to kill time and also earn money. the store she worked at was not really doing well ; not many customers come in to get things. most of the time Yonghoon was just by herself in the store which made her feel really lonely. usually , only mopping and cleaning the shelves once was more than enough but Yonghoon always did about three times a day because there wasn't much to do.

Minhee on the other hand was on his very first step to reaching his dreams. he just got in Starship Entertainment as a trainee so he didn't have time to do any part time job. he did miss Yonghoon because he no longer had no one to receive his hugs and kisses. his little human teddy bear he could hug whenever he wanted was gone. occasionally , he's reminded of her but because of his packed schedules with school and trainee life , he always distracts himself from those thoughts about Yonghoon.

Minhee was going to live by himself after finding it difficult to travel to and fro from Starship Entertainment , his school and home. his parents got him a small appointment for him to live in since it was quite close to his school which was near Starship Entertainment. now he won't have to travel such a distance to get home after a tiring day of training. after weeks of moving , he could finally live in his new apartment.

because it was his moving day , his company allowed him to take the day off and skip training for today so after school he went straight home. he sighed as he walked past three huge boxes that he needed to unpack and laid on his sofa. "i'm hungry.." he said when his stomach grumbled. he walked to the refrigerator and opened it to find it empty. "oh right , i just moved in." he sighed. no ramyeon , ice-cream , bread , milk , cereal or biscuits for him to munch on. he grabbed his wallet and phone before heading downstairs to see what food he could buy.

"convenience store? sweet!" he mumbled to himself when he found the store Yonghoon was working at. lucky for him , it was Yonghoon's shift. he entered the store and went straight to the drinks section , eyeing on the banana milk he have been craving since morning. he took a few packets and held them in his hand , forgetting there's a basket to use. he then moved on to the snacks section to grab a few snacks.

Yonghoon was observing from the security camera as he picked his snacks trying to hold them in his hands that were already full. she went to the entrance and grabbed a basket for the customer after seeing him struggling. "here , i think you should—Minhee?" she gasped after the customer lifted his head up. "Yonghoon? what are you doing here?" Minhee asked with a confused look. "i-i work part-time here." Yonghoon was nervous around Minhee for some reason ; her heart was beating really quickly. "i'm guessing that's for me , thank you." Minhee smiled taking the basket from Yonghoon's hands. "i just moved nearby and needed some food." he explained. "oh." Yonghoon replied. "i'll get going.." Yonghoon turned around ready to leave when Minhee held her wrist. "going where?" he asked. "going..um..to the counter!" she rushed there immediately. Minhee chuckled as he saw her run to the counter. he missed her cute actions. he was indeed happy to see her after so long.

Yonghoon was placing her right hand above her left chest checking her heartbeat. "why are you even beating so quickly?" she asked herself. "maybe because it excited to see someone after so long?" Minhee startled her. "someone?" she asked. "yeah , me." he smiled. "b-but.." she didn't know what to say because he was technically right. she was happy to see him after so long. "how's life?" he asked. "well it's- wait i can't be chit chatting here now. i'm working now." she said. "then meet me after your shift , we can catch up on one another's lives." Minhee said. "i never said i was interested in your life?" the moment Yonghoon said that lie , hiccups started coming her way. "that still happens whenever you lie." he chuckled. "alright you got me , i am happy to see you. my shift ends in 2 hours. can you wait?" Yonghoon asked and Minhee nodded. "i can wait for anything as long as i can see you." he smiled.


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