Wooseok-Boyfriend Like A Mom

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Genre : Fluff

Song : BTS 2! 3!

requested by ShiningPeliksue

third person's pov
Jihwon and Wooseok has been dating over a year and Jihwon is in her final year of college so she requested that they don't meet up so often since she wants to focus on her studies. Wooseok understood her reason so instead of meeting her outside , he goes to her apartment to visit her. whenever he was over , he always helped her clean up her place and cook for her. he knew that if he didn't cook for her , she only has ramyun.

it was another day of going to Jihwon's apartment. Wooseok already bought the things we was going to cook for Jihwon and his meal later and was on his way to her apartment now. Jihwon on the other hand was at home studying with a huge mess that she couldn't care less about. "where's my chemistry notes?" she asked herself and started rummaging through the papers on the table but it was nowhere to be found. "crap." she stood up and literally flipped the whole house upside down but she still couldn't find it which was making her anxious. in the midst of this mess , Wooseok unlocked the door by keying in her passcode and saw her looking around frantically.

"Jihwon? what are you looking for?" Wooseok placed the bags of ingredients on the table. "my chemistry notes , they're gone." she said. "it's definitely here somewhere , i'll look for it. once i clear this place up , watch it magically appear in my hands." Wooseok smiled. Jihwon looked around her house and saw it was a huge mess so she chuckled nervously to Wooseok who sighed as he shaked his head. "i'll cook bibimbap tonight." Wooseok said and Jihwon's eyes lit up. "thank you!" she jumped and gave him a hug. "how's your revision coming along?" he asked. "fine , just felt like giving up a moment ago but now you're here i'm motivated." Jihwon smiled. Wooseok pecked her lips and started cleaning up her place once Jihwon went back to her table to study. she was studying on the coffee table so she could see Wooseok who was at the kitchen preparing the meal clearly.

time skip~

"it's ready." Wooseok said. Jihwon got up immediately and went to the dining table to which she saw two bowls of bibimbap and a plate of egg rolls. "it looks appetizing!" she said as she waited for Wooseok to sit down before she did. "tuck in." he smiled. "thank you! i'll eat well!" she started mixing the ingredients in and started eating. "how is it?" Wooseok asked. "it's scrumptious! i love it! i'm lucky to have a boyfriend that can cook so well." Jihwon smiled. after finishing their meal , the two did the dishes together since Wooseok insisted to help Jihwon who wanted ot do the dishes by herself.

the dish washing ended up being splashing water to one another as the two never stopped playing with the water. when they were finally done with the dished , Jihwon wanted to go back to the coffee table to study when she got stopped by Wooseok. "go bath first , you're drenched with detergent water." he chuckled pushing her to the bathroom. "wait- i haven't take my clothes yet." she said. "i'll get it for you. just go in first." he shut the door and went to her room to get her a comfortable set of clothes. "Jihwon , i got the clothes." he knocked on the door. she opened the door slightly and stretched her hand out to which made Wooseok feel mischievous. he took a few steps back and just stared at her hand that was waving around trying to look for his. "Wooseok oppa? where is it?" she asked. "i don't know , try looking for it." he chuckled.

she peeped through the slight gap and saw Wooseok just standing there smiling at her. "stop it , give me the clothes." she said reaching out for them and Wooseok handed it to her. "after i bath you can take a shower too since you're drenched as well." Jihwon suggested. "yes my girl." he said before heading to her room to take the clothes he left here before. Jihwon's shower was quick since she wanted to get back to work fast and during her shower time , Wooseok cleaned up her place and found her notes that were lying under the carpet. "look what i found." Wooseok said lifting up the pieces of paper to which made Jihwon gasp. "you found it! thank you!" she kissed his cheek before heading to the coffee table to start her work again. Wooseok then went to take a shower.

time flew by and it was 9pm already. Wooseok was staying for the night and he wanted Jihwon to be in bed already because he knew she definitely woke up early to study today. he decided to test to see if her brain was still working. "Jihwon , can you spell your name?" Wooseok asked. "yeah , J-I-H-W-O-N." she said. "okay , then can you spell it backwards?" Wooseok asked. "yeah." she turned herself around facing her back to Wooseok who was dumbfounded by her actions. "J-I-H-W-O-N." she said. Wooseok chuckled and sighed. "i think you should rest now." he said. "what? no , i'm not done yet." she said refusing to go to bed. "come on now we need you in bed." he lifted her in his arms and brought her to bed with ease since he was strong enough to carry her. "let me study that topic i was on first please?" she begged but Wooseok shaked his head. "you need to rest or your body won't be able to take it. listen to me okay?" he said. Jihwon sighed and pouted. "you're like my mom , not my boyfriend." Wooseok smiled and gave her a kiss on her lips. "a mom doesn't kiss her daughter on the lips when she's this old anymore does she? and a mom won't share a bed with her daughter , cuddling with her to sleep all the time right?" Wooseok said and Jihwon smiled. "i guess you're right."


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