Hangyul-School Drama Pt. 2

756 23 2

Genre : AU

Song : BTS Love Maze

requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

third person's pov
Hangyul and Chaesoo made their way to the library after clearing up the food they finished. when they were on their way , someone called Hangyul from behind. before Chaesoo could turn around to see who was it , Hangyul swang his right arm over shoulder to stop her from turning. "it's Hyewon , don't turn around." he said. "she might be looking for you." Chaesoo said. "ignore her , she bullied you. that's not what a best friend would do to their best friend's crush." Hangyul said.

"c-crush?" Chaesoo stuttered. "yes , crush." Hangyul was trying to keep it cool. "Lee Hangyul! are you ignoring me right now?" Hyewon yelled from behind. the passerbys were all giving Hyewon weird glances as if she was someone who escaped from the mental hospital. the two walked faster and soon was out of Hyewon's sight due to the crowd. "phew , we lost her." Hangyul said. Chaesoo was standing really still because of Hangyul's arm that was across her shoulder. "let's go." Hangyul smiled and brought her into the library. the library wasn't really crowded so there were seats vacant for them. Chaesoo wanted to sit at the long table that was shared with many others but Hangyul pulled her to a smaller table for two. "sorry , i think having our own private space is better." Hangyul chuckled. "that's okay." Chaesoo smiled.

their table was right next to the window so they could see outside. there , Hyewon was still looking for them. Chaesoo could hear Hangyul laughing. "i thought she's your best friend?" Chaesoo asked. "she was. not anymore. like i said , best friends don't attack their best friend's crush." Hangyul said. "you're kidding." Chaesoo said. "i'm not." Hangyul said. "you are." Chaesoo said. "i am not , Chaesoo i like you." Hangyul said. there was awkward silence between the two after Hangyul's confession. "that was a hard thing to get out of my chest. i feel like i could breathe but now i'm worried." Hangyul said. "can there be much more coincidences? i like you too Hangyul." Chaesoo chuckled. "for real? you're not saying that to make me feel better right?" Hangyul's eyes widened and Chaesoo nodded. "i'm not that bad. i don't lie." she smiled.

Hangyul smiled to himself , unable to hide it. "you look like a fool." Chaesoo muttered. "what?" Hangyul asked. "nothing." Chaesoo smiled innocently. "what homework do we have?" Hangyul said zipping open his school bag. "i was lying about homework.." Chaesoo said softly but Hangyul heard it all. "what?!" Hangyul asked. "i wanted to go home because i thought i was gonna faint any moment being by your side." Chaesoo said. "oh wow.." Hangyul laughed awkwardly. "i meant the positive way though. my heart was beating really quickly." Chaesoo smiled. "so i guess we came to the library for no reason." Hangyul said. "we can still study.." Chaesoo took out her math textbook. "i don't study." Hangyul said. "of course that came out from someone who doesn't pass math." Chaesoo said making Hangyul shock. "that's embarrassing." Hangyul chuckled. "well , i can help you if you don't mind." Chaesoo said. "i'd be happy to study with you!" Hangyul giggled.

time skip~

Chaesoo tutored Hangyul math till around 4pm. the two were a little drained so they were not that focused. "i think we should head home now." Hangyul suggested. "sure , let's pack up." Chaesoo said. once they finished packing up , they walked home together. "i think we can part ways now. my house is a few more blocks away." Hangyul said. "how did you know we reached my place?" Chaesoo smirked. "um..see you tomorrow!" Hangyul dashed away. "wait! are we a thing now?" Chaesoo asked. Hangyul turned around and smiled. "we were a thing hours ago my love." he winked before running off.


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