Seungwoo-Forced Friendship

411 11 2

Genre : AU

Song : Chungha Flourishing

requested by dongsyoki

A/N : vulgur language and disturbing details used!

third person's pov
Sawon stepped into her usual noisy classroom and took a seat at her table. "did you hear? there's gonna be a new classmate joining us today." Jade , Sawon's bestie , turned around to tell her. "really? is it a girl?" Sawon asked. "nope , i heard he's a male." Jade said. "then i'm not interested." Sawon said. "as expected." Jade chuckled.

"settle down class! i have an announcement to make!" their homeroom teacher , Miss Jung yelled. once everyone was back to their seat , she gave them her usual warm smile before greeting them as a whole. "good morning class , today we have a new classmate to welcome!" Miss Jung said before she turned to her left to nod , signalling someone.

a tall , black haired , good looking male stepped into the class. his body looked slender but strong. "introduce yourself." Miss Jung told him. "hello , my name is Han Seungwoo. i'm looking forward to our time together." he smiled and scanned the class with that same smile , until he saw Sawon who didn't budge from the eye contact. Seungwoo's smile faded to a lost and shocked expression. "Seungwoo why don't you go take a sit next to Minjae there?" Miss Jung pointed to the empty seat next to the class leader Minjae. Seungwoo then walked to his assigned seat.

time skip~

after school , Sawon joined Jade and her few other friends before walking out of the class. Minjae offered to give Seungwoo a tour of the school but Seungwoo rejected his offer with a thanks before he quietly followed Sawon and her friends. when they headed to a restaurant down the street near their school , he sat near their table so he could hear what they were talking about. "hey , any of you have anything to do tonight?" Jeffery asked. "nope , why?" Jade asked. "on my way to school today , i was approached by a man who gave me an address of a place and told me if i manage to go inside of that building , we can get rewarded." Jeffery said. the others burst out in laughter after hearing his words. "you kidding Jeffery? you believe him?" Courtney asked. "why not? it's just entering a building. even if we won't get anything at least we get to kill time." Jeffery said.

"well if it's not far from here , i'm in." Sawon said. "same." Jade said. "it's just a few bus stops away from our school's stop." Jeffery said. "why sure. we have nothing on anyway." Jiyeon said. "finally i won't be bored." Jeffery said.

Seungwoo smirked knowing his men succeeded into lying their group's dumbest , most naive person. 'now we wait.' he thought

time skip~

"everyone ready?" Jade sighed as all of their eyes were glued to the haunted looking building in front of them. "Jeffery you never mentioned the building to be a haunted one." Courtney frowned. "i didn't know about it either!" Jeffery defended. "so are we going in or no? you two can stop bickering for god's sake." Jiyeon grumbled. once everyone collected themselves together , five of them walked into the building.

"i don't like it here." Courtney said. "how much farther do we have to walk in?" Jade asked. "i have no idea.." Jeffery's voice shaked. "i had enough , i'm out of here." Courtney said and turned around with the intention to leave but the door slammed shut on her face. the impact was so bad she fainted and fell onto the floor with her nose bleeding. "Courtney!" Jiyeon exclaimed , rushing to her. "we need to get out of here now!" Jade yelled. "we can't! the door is locked!" Jeffery panicked while he tried twisting the door knob frantically. Sawon stood there , shocked at whatever was happening.

before anyone could do anything , a gun shot was heard from deep in the house but not too far from where they are. Jeffery fell onto the ground , his eyes open and head bleeding profusely. all three girls were too shocked to even scream in fear.
"what the—" Jiyeon couldn't complete her sentence as another gun shot was heard. her chest was bleeding. "who is there? what do you want?" Sawon turned to face the darkness , stepping in front of Jade afraid she'll get shot next.

Seungwoo smirked before shooting aiming for Jade's right leg that wasn't blocked by Sawon. Jade's scream filled the place as she grabbed her bleeding leg in pain. "Jade!" Sawon turned to her. "it's okay , you're going to be fine." Sawon attempted to calm her friend down. "Sawon.." Jade's words were cut off by another gun shot into Jade's head. her eyes remained open as she fell onto the ground. Sawon's tears couldn't stop falling after seeing her best friend die in front of her.

she never let go of Jade's hand as she continued crying her heart out , ready to take a hit by whoever who killed her friends. "poor thing." a male voice from behind said. Sawon quickly turned around and widened her eyes when she saw who was right there. "recognise me?" Seungwoo smirked. "did you do this?" Sawon asked with anger. "not all was done by me. i only shot your friends." he smiled. "so? they're still dead because of you." Sawon said. "doesn't matter , at least my identity won't be exposed." Seungwoo smirked. "what identity?" Sawon frowned. "i'm part of the higher ranks in a mafia family." Seungwoo said.

"funny. i didn't know a member of a mafia family would be this stupid. do you think i wouldn't say anything?" Sawon asked. "you won't , because i'm not letting you out there." Seungwoo said. "what do you mean?" Sawon asked. "i'll order my men to bring you elsewhere and make sure you never come back." Seungwoo said. "you wouldn't dare." Sawon said. "try me."

"then why didn't you kill me?" Sawon asked. Seungwoo stayed silent after she asked the question. "hello? cat got your tongue?" Sawon asked. "i didn't kill you because you remind me of someone i used to cherish." Seungwoo said. "well i don't fucking care. i don't even know you. let me go!" Sawon yelled at him. "i'll let you go on one condition. be friends with me." Seungwoo said. "what kind of stupid—"

"that or you'll be here forever." Seungwoo threatened.

Sawon looked like Seungwoo's ex-girlfriend whom he failed to protect because he was an enemy of many. his enemies joined forces to plan and take someone he loved a lot away from him. and that person was picked to be his girlfriend. they shot her on a yacht, in front of Seungwoo who was to chase them after knowing they kidnapped her , before throwing her body into the sea. though many searched and searched , her body was never found. Seungwoo often blamed himself for not being able to protect her and always takes the blame for her death.

now he found someone who looks so alike to her , Sawon , and vowed to protect Sawon with his life. she might not be his girlfriend , but it didn't matter to him.

"so?" Seungwoo asked. "just know that if you dare to expose my identity out there , your friends' bodies won't be buried nicely and they might not leave peacefully." Seungwoo said. Sawon thought long and hard before coming to her final decision. "fine , but you hold a funeral for them." Sawon said. "that's for sure." Seungwoo smiled. "hello my new friend." Seungwoo held out his hand for a handshake which was rejected by Sawon who coldly looked away. "well  , okay. take the bodies and put them into the coffins." Seungwoo ordered his men who appeared in the dark. they took Sawon's friends' bodies away as Sawon cried while watching her friends' leave her one by one. "i had my reasons for doing this , you can hate me if you want. i won't blame you." Seungwoo said. "i don't need your permission to hate you." Sawon's eyes were filled with anger. the usual Seungwoo would get pissed at these rude behaviours but because it was Sawon , he held himself back.

'at least you're my friend now.' he thought.

A/N : i'm sorry this is bad :( i wanted to update once so i did this on my to my grandparents house in the train which took an hour. so yep , it was pretty rushed.

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