Hangyul-She's Mine

428 11 3

Genre : AU

Song : NU'EST Minhyun Universe

requested by dongsyoki

third person's pov
"don't be afraid , i'm very nice." Yejin said approaching a bunch of stacked boxes. from behind , a young boy came out while clutching his bear plushie. "hello , what's your name?" Yejin bent down with a smile. "Jaeyong." he said timidly. "hello Jaeyong , i'm Yejin." she smiled. "you can see me?" Jaeyong asked and Yejin nodded. "why are you here alone? shouldn't you be somewhere else?" Yejin asked. "yeah but i lost my brother. he told me we'll head to the afterlife together but i wandered off on my own two days ago and lost him." Jaeyong said. "no worries , i'll help you find him alright?" Yejin said.

while she was talking to Jaeyong , passerbys looked at her weirdly because in their eyes she was talking to the air. Yejin was too focused on Jaeyong to realise about it. Hangyul , who was walking down the street towards where Yejin was saw what was going on. "sorry..sorry.." he laughed awkwardly at the passerbys as he approached Yejin. "come on sis , let's not talk to the air." Hangyul quickly pulled Yejin up by her shoulders. he grabbed the young boy's hand and quickly headed elsewhere. it was then when Yejin realised what was going on. "it wasn't the air! it was my friend!" Yejin played along. "yes , your imaginary friend. shouldn't have brought you out if you weren't willing to take your medicine." Hangyul said.

Jaeyong was looking at the two of them weirdly this time but just followed them to where they were going to bring him. once they reached Hangyul's apartment , Yejin took Jaeyong to sit down at the table. "any idea how does your brother look like?" Yejin asked. "he's very tall and he has brown hair. about a head taller than him." Jaeyong pointed at Hangyul who pretended he didn't hear anything. "how old is he?" Yejin asked. "he's 24 this year. we died because of a fire that broke out in our house." Jaeyong said. "i'm sorry to hear that. the both of us will help you find your brother and get both of you to the afterlife as quickly as we can." Yejin smiled. "thank you. you're very nice. i think my brother will like you a lot." Jaeyong smiled back.

"i don't think that's possible but whatever. we should start looking for him now. little boy , we seek your understanding to let us ignore your presence in the public." Hangyul said. "sure , i understand. my brother has told me people alive can't see and hear us. but i still don't understand why you can see and hear me." Jaeyong said. "we're born with this ability. to see , hear and talk to the spirits." Yejin explained. "that must be cool." Jaeyong said. "however you see it." Yejin chuckled. "shall we leave?" she held out her hand for Jaeyong to hold. after Jaeyong placed his hand in hers , the three of them left.

"Hangyul , do you think you can use your ability to find Jaeyong's brother? i sense only about less than 40 spirits here in Gangwon-do." Yejin asked. "i'll try , but if i really can't then we'll need to use convergence." Hangyul said as he closed his eyes to use his allocation powers. after a few seconds , Hangyul opened his eyes with a smile to Jaeyong. "i found your brother. he's looking for you too." Jaeyong's eyes lit up with happiness. "really? can you take me to him?" Jaeyong asked. "i've sent him a telepathy , he'll be here on his own." Hangyul said. "great job." Yejin whispered to him. they went to place where there were lesser people around and there was Jaeyong's brother waiting for them.

"hyung!" Jaeyong ran to his brother after letting go of Yejin's hand. Jaeyong's brother bent down and hugged Jaeyong. the scene before Hangyul and Yejin was so sweet. "another happy ending." Yejin smiled. "like always." Hangyul chuckled. "thank you for helping." Jaeyong's brother said. "it's our pleasure. we're glad we could help." Yejin smiled. "i'm Jaehyun. Jaeyong' elder brother , as you already know." Jaehyun said. "nice to meet you." Yejin shook Jaehyun's hand. "yeah i think it should be time for you to go. it's not good for you both to stay in this world for too long." Hangyul pulled Yejin's hand away slightly while looking at Jaehyun with a smile. "oh , i actually plan to stay here a little longer if that's fine. Jaeyong here told me that he wants to spend more time with Yejin." Jaehyun said.

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