Dohyon-A Lovely Tutor

598 16 0

Genre : Fluff

Song : Wanna One Twilight

requested by ShiningPeliksue

third person's pov
it was another day of tuition for Dohyun who needed aid in Sociology. his girlfriend , Eunwae , was an expert in Sociology and offered to give him tuition after she found out how badly he was doing for his English.

the tuition has been going on for about a month and Dohyun's Sociology was starting to improve. there was just one issue though ; Dohyun never treats her like his tuition teacher. in his eyes , Eunwae is his girlfriend and that never changed no matter what.

"i'm reaching soon Dohyun." Eunwae said through her phone while she walked down the street. "okay , i'll wait outside." Dohyun said smiling excitedly even though he just saw her yesterday.

when Eunwae arrived , Dohyun greeted her with a tight hug. "i missed you." he said. "we met yesterday." Eunwae chuckled. "still too long." Dohyun said. "come on , time for studies." Eunwae said holding Dohyun's hand to bring him inside his house.

"take out your materials." Eunwae said dragging a chair next to Dohyun who sighed while he took his time to take out his Sociology materials. "now let's continue from where we left off alright?" Eunwae asked as she flipped through the book. Dohyun rested his chin on palms that were supported by his elbows on the table , staring at Eunwae with dreamy eyes.

"okay , here." Eunwae looked up and realised Dohyun wasn't paying attention. she cupped his cheeks and lifted them off his palms , releasing it mid-air making him knock out of his thoughts. "pay attention please." Eunwae said pointing to the book.

"yes yes." Dohyun said scooting in closer to Eunwae. as she started teaching , Dohyun's thoughts again shifted away from Sociology to Eunwae. everything she was teaching was entering his right ear but exiting his left ear. it was a common thing during their tuition sessions.

"so , can you try explaining to me this?" Eunwae asked. she rolled her eyes when she saw Dohyun not paying attention again. she smirked and turned to her bag beside her , taking out a mask before covering her face with it.

"hey , why that?" Dohyun said. "because my face is a distraction to your studying." Eunwae said. "okay okay i'm not going to get distracted , i promise i'm not going to get distracted." Dohyun pouted. "then it won't matter if i put on the mask or not. now explain." Eunwae said.

"fine you got me. i didn't listen. explain again please." Dohyun said. "just once more , and i'll get you to explain it for me." Eunwae said and flipped the book back to the page where she started explaining again.

"get it?" Eunwae asked and Dohyun nodded. he started explaining the question she asked earlier. "good , you get this topic now." Eunwae smiled , but Dohyun wasn't able to see it.

the tuition went on for about an hour more and it ended once Eunwae decided it was long enough. "for our upcoming Sociology test , i have a goal for you to meet. you up for it?" Eunwae asked. "sure , what is it?" Dohyun asked.

as Eunwae removed her mask and packed her materials , she explained the goal. "if you can get 65 and above , we'll go on our date." Eunwae said. "but aren't couples suppose to go on dates regularly?" Dohyun asked with a pout. "yes but it's an exception for us." Eunwae said. she knew Dohyun would do as well as he could to secure the date. "and also , don't see me as your girlfriend when i'm giving you tuition."

"fine." Dohyun frowned. "good. now let's go out and have dinner." Eunwae said making Dohyun's eyes light up. "what? we have to eat right?" Eunwae said acting normal. "yay! it's a dinner date!" Dohyun cheered.


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