Minhee-A Brother I Don't Want

483 17 8

Genre : AU

Song : Wanna One Hide And Seek

requested by MinheeGun

third person's pov
"Your highness , Lady Chaeryu is here to see you." a palace maid said to Minhee and Chaeryu appeared behind her. "Greetings , Prince Minhee." Chaeryu greeted. "i already told you that you don't have to greet me like that." Minhee said. "it's always better to incase your dad happens to pass by." Chaeryu said. "come on in." Minhee said. "bring in some water." Minhee told the palace maid before closing the door. Chaeryu sunk herself into Minhee's bean bag while he sat on the couch. "spill." Minhee said. "what?" Chaeryu asked. "i know that look , you're troubled." Minhee said.

"my mom ; i think she's seeing somebody." Chaeryu said but stopped when the palace maid entered with the cups of water. after she left , Chaeryu continued. "when i was doing the laundry , i found an expensive bracelet in her pocket of her jeans. my mom is never the type to buy such expensive things for herself and her friends aren't that rich to afford such a bracelet." Chaeryu said and reached inside and took out a bracelet. Minhee widened his eyes and stood up after seeing the bracelet. "what?" Chaeryu asked. "that bracelet. i saw my dad have it when i was chatting with him a few days ago." Minhee said. "are you sure?" Chaeryu asked and handed him the bracelet for him to take a closer look. "yeah , i know he's seeing someone but i never met her. he told me he loved her a lot and have plans to bring her into the family soon." Minhee explained. "um , what are the chances of your dad's lover being my mom?" Chaeryu asked , trying not the sound scared. "i don't know to be honest." Minhee said.

something Chaeryu never told Minhee about , is that she liked him. if by any chance the King's lover is her mother , that will mean Minhee and Chaeryu will become siblings and the possibility of them being together will be 0. "you still look worried." Minhee said. "i'm worried because if my mom is your dad's lover , that'll mean she'll be the Queen and i'll become a princess. i'm happy if she finds someone to spend the rest of her life with but the King?" Chaeryu said. "isn't that good? we'll see each other more often." Minhee smiled. "Minhee , sometimes things are better off not said." Chaeryu said with a sigh. "what do you mean?" Minhee asked. "i like- i mean , wouldn't that mean i'll have to practice learning royal manners and whatnot? you know me , i love being myself." Chaeryu said. "we can ask our parents if you wanna confirm if they're really together. after that we can start thinking of how to help you with those royal manners if they're really together." Minhee smiled. Chaeryu just smiled back bitterly. if their parents really are a thing , she'll never get to confess her feelings for Minhee or things will get awkward between them for a very long time.

"follow me." Minhee said and held my wrist before dragging me out of his room. we went down the hallway of corridors and into the lift before he brought me down another hallway of corridors again. when he stopped in front of a door that had guards guarding it , i gasped and pushed Minhee's hand away. "Minhee are you crazy? you're making me talk to the King?" the guards who heard Chaeryu call Minhee 'crazy' were ready to fight Chaeryu but Minhee stopped them. "how many times have you seen Chaeryu with me to the extent her calling me 'crazy' out of mischief must make you want to attack her?" Minhee raised his voice to the guards he bowed down as an apology. "come on Chaeryu , we have to get this right. trust me , i'll be next to you." Minhee held his hand out for Chaeryu to hold. Chaeryu hesitated for a moment before she took his hand and went into the room with Minhee. "greetings , father." Minhee greeted. "Your Majesty." Chaeryu curtsied. "Chaeryu! how nice it is to see you. take a seat!" the King smiled ear to ear. "father , we want to ask you something to clarify our doubts." Minhee said. "sure , what is it?" he asked.

"are you seeing Chaeryu's mom by any chance?" Minhee asked. the King stayed silent which made Chaeryu and Minhee feel super nervous. the king sighed and turned to face Chaeryu. "Chaeryu , did your mother tell you anything?" he asked and Chaeryu shaked her head. "well , yes. we're dating. to be exact , we're engaged. we didn't plan to tell any of you till we finish the wedding plans. really sorry about out selfishness." the King said. "no , not at all." Chaeryu lied. she couldn't say that she felt hurt from their decisions since it'll come out as disrespecting the King. "i know you didn't mean your words Chaeryu. you can be honest with me." the King said. "i'm sorry Your Majesty , i want to be excused." Chaeryu asked. "sure , please go ahead." the King said. Chaeryu curtsied to both the King and Minhee before she left the room. "father , excuse me while i go after her." Minhee said. "go ahead , make sure she's okay." the King said.

Chaeryu was already on her way to the palace garden as she felt tears in the brim of her eyes. "Chaeryu!" Minhee called out but she never stopped. when Minhee caught up to her , he pulled her into his arms and let her cry in his arms. "sshh..it's okay." he cooed. "it's not fair..everything is not fair." she sobbed. Minhee didn't bother to ask her what was wrong. he just focused on consoling her.

after she cooled down , the both of them sat down on the bench and stayed silent not knowing if they should talk about the issue. "you okay now?" Minhee asked. "yeah." Chaeryu said. "if you really don't want to live like a princess , i can ask my dad to give you leniency." Minhee said. "it's not about living as a princess that bothers me.." Chaeryu said. "then what is it?" Minhee asked. "i just lost a chance , and gained a brother i don't want." Chaeryu said. Minhee gave it a thought and realised what Chaeryu was trying to say. "y-you lost a chance? Chaeryu-"

"yes i like you Minhee. i liked you ever since young. the fact that we're going to be siblings makes my heart ache. i'm sorry that this might make things awkward between us. maybe i should have stayed silent about my feelings for you." Chaeryu said and got up with the intention to leave when Minhee held her back pulling her into a hug. "i'm sorry you have to go though this. if we weren't going to be siblings , things would've been different. but i promise , whatever the future brings , i'll take good care of you."


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