Hangyul-Do You Like My Sister?

262 7 0

Genre : AU

Song : AB6IX The Answer

requested by dongsyoki

"okay kids! let's gather together in front of the whiteboard for dismissal!" Hangyul said as the kids started packing up the toys they were playing with. he watched them as they all packed up to ensure that everything has been put back to place before he headed to the front. "alright, your guardians are all waiting outside so i'll keep things short. today we learnt how to make different kinds of origami shapes. can you tell me what did you learn to fold today?" Hangyul asked. "Paper Crane!" "Aeroplane!" "Butterfly!" "A Heart!" "Boat!" the kids answered one by one enthusiatically.

"great job! i hope you'll all remember how to fold them and try them out at home with your family okay? let's go home!" Hangyul smiled as the kids stood up and queued to leave with their guardians. one by one , he let them go after seeing the familiar faces of his students' guardians who almost always picked then up after school. it's something the guardians of the students love about Hangyul; that he can remember the faces of the respective guardians of each student. one face he definitely remembers is a girl he is very fond of.

"Saehyung , your sister is here!" Hangyul called out with a smile. "noona!" Saehyung grabbed his mini backpack and ran to her. "thank you." Saejin , Saehyung's older sister said to Hangyul. "no worries , Saehyung's been really active in learning these days. keep it up!" Hangyul smiled to Saehyung. "teacher Hangyul , can i ask you something?" Saehyung asked. Hangyul squats down to match Saehyung's height. "i'll answer it if i know the answer." Hangyul smiled.

"do you like my sister?" Saehyung's question made both Hangyul and Saejin flustered. "Saehyung , let's not ask that." Saejin chuckled nervously. "sorry he's being like that." Saejin apologised to Hangyul. "it's fine." Hangyul chuckled. "Saehyung , that's a question i can't answer here. maybe tomorrow?" Hangyul leaned in. "without your sister around." he whispered. "okay! i'll remember to ask you tomorrow!" Saehyung smiled cheekily. "get back home safely and see you tomorrow." Hangyul said while looking at Saejin. usually such words are meant for his students.

"ah..yeah we will. see you tomorrow too." Saejin said before she held Saehyung's hand to take him home.

"noona , what do you think of teacher Hangyul?" Saehyung asked. "why are you suddenly asking such questions?" Saejin asked. "he's obvious with his feelings." Saehyung said. "i didn't really understand what you meant but okay." Saejin chuckled.

their parents were working overseas so Saejin had to take care of Saehyung since he wanted to stay in Korea not wanting to leave his friends.

the next day...

"teacher Hangyul! can you answer my question now?" Saehyung asked Hangyul during their lunch break. "sure." Hangyul dragged a chair next to Saehyung and sat down next to him. "do you like my sister?" Saehyung asked.

"she's a nice girl. i'll admit i like her. will you hate teacher Hangyul if i like her?" Hangyul asked. "nope , i like teacher Hangyul. i believe you'll treat my sister very well! just tell her you like her! she doesn't have a boyfriend." Saehyung said. "Saehyung , when you get older you'll realise it's not that easy to confess." Hangyul sighed. "why not? my sister blushes everytime you talk to her. isn't it a sign?" Saehyung asked.

"she blushes?" Hangyul asked. "yeah! teacher Hangyul blushes when you look at my sister too!" Saehyung said making Hangyul embarrassed. "i didn't know i was blushing." Hangyul chuckled. "can you ask her out today? please!" Saehyung asked. "we'll see." Hangyul smiled.

time skip~

"Saehyung , your sister is there." Hangyul pointed to Saejin for Saehyung. Saehyung held Hangyul's hand tightly and dragged him to Saejin. "noona , i'll be playing there with my friends. you can have a little chat with teacher Hangyul first!" Saehyung quickly rushed to the playground which was outside his school grounds. the atmosphere quickly became awkward between the two.

"so um , can i ask you something?" Hangyul asked. "sure." Saejin said. "i have plans to go out tomorrow afternoon and was hoping we could go together? with Saehyung if it's fine." Hangyul asked feeling shy. "well sure. i'm sure Saehyung will love it." Saejin smiled. "great! i'll meet you at the street outside your place at 1pm and we can have lunch." Hangyul said. "you know where we live?" Saejin asked. "um yeah..it's written in Saehyung's profile! i'm not a creep!" Hangyul quickly said. Saejin chuckled and nodded. "sure then. see you tomorrow."


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