Seungwoo-My Love Pt. 2

338 8 2

Genre : Angst + Fluff

Song : Lee Hi My Love (Scarlet Heart OST)

requested by sksksksksskoop-

third person's pov
2 years passed , Seungwoo and y/n have still remained as friends ever since that horrible accident which caused her to forget everything. Seungwoo never gotten the courage to ask her to be his girlfriend again because he could tell y/n doesn't look at him the way he looks at her. he still hasn't given up on her yet.

"shall we go?" Seungwoo asked when y/n got into the car. "hell yeah." Seungyeon smiled getting into the backseat. "wait , Seungyeon do you wanna sit in front?" y/n asked. "oh no no , it's fine. i like sitting at the back. gives me space to lie down for a nap." Seungyeon smiled at Seungwoo. "oh well." y/n sat in the passenger seat next to Seungwoo who was gonna drive. "i can't wait to reach Daegu." y/n said excitedly. "me too." Seungwoo smiled.

the three were going to Daegu for a little vacation since neither of them could decide which country to go to and eventually decided staying in Korea would be the best.

before Seungwoo started driving , he looked over to y/n and realised she didn't have her seatbelt buckled. "you always forget that , and that's dangerous." he reached out to her seatbelt and buckled it for her. "i feel like i'm not suppose to be here for some reason?" Seungyeon smiled at Seungwoo through mirror. "shut up Seungyeon." y/n said.

during the drive , everything was smooth. Seungyeon as expected , was asleep at the backseat. y/n , who developed motion sickness after the accident , was looking forward since she'll feel nauseous if she uses her phone.

suddenly , a car swerved in front of their car making Seungwoo step on the brakes with force. his right arm immediately crossed over to y/n's chest in case she flew out. behind , a taxi bumped into their car from behind due to the sudden brake.

in y/n's mind , memories of everything flooded into her.

their relationship that started out as awkward.

their little dates with happiness.

Seungwoo's hugs and kisses.

their love for each other.

that very accident.

Seungwoo looked over at y/n who was breathing heavily while looking straight ahead. "what the hell happened?" Seungyeon asked. "y/n? you okay?" Seungwoo asked with concern which made Seungyeon look at her as well. y/n had no reaction. she was still breathing heavily not moving at all.

"y/n? hey , look at me. everything's fine now." Seungwoo cupped her face to make her look at him. y/n had tears in her eyes as she looked right into Seungwoo's. "what's wrong? did it scare you? everything's okay now. everyone is fine." Seungwoo comforted her. "S-Seungwoo.." she cried. "yes? i'm here." Seungwoo said. "i-i remember.." she sobbed.

Seungwoo was shocked at what he just heard. "y-you remember? what do you remember?" he asked with hope. "everything. we're lovers right?" she smiled. "oh my god..y/n you did it.." Seungwoo couldn't help but cry as well. "this might have triggered her memories back." Seungyeon said. "i'm sorry for not remembering." y/n said. "no , no. it's not your fault. at least you remembered me as a friend." Seungwoo chuckled. "yeah she completely forgot me though." Seungyeon bugged in. "you really needed to cut in now." Seungwoo said. "well , okay i'll let you two lovers have your solo time. i'll go out and see what happened." Seungyeon got out of the car leaving the two alone.

"what happened to me?" y/n asked. "you were in a serious car accident which caused you to lose your memories. you didn't remember anything that happened 10 years ago. which also meant you forgot our relationship. and also completely forgotten Seungyeon. for the past few years i was trying so hard to get your memories back. i gave up after i realised you were getting uncomfortable with my questions and actions." Seungwoo explained.

"how did that accident happen? like what exactly happened?" y/n asked. "you were on your way to meet me when the taxi you were in got crashed with a car a drunk man was driving. the taxi driver died on the spot." Seungwoo said. "oh my.." y/n gasped.

"why was i on my way to meet you?" y/n asked making Seungwoo freeze. "because i asked you to meet me." Seungwoo said smiling to himself. he reached to the mini compartment at the side of the car door and took out the ring he kept. y/n's eyes widened at the box she saw him take out. "on that very day , i was going to propose to you. it might not be the ideal proposal you want but i want to do this before anything else comes between us." Seungwoo opened the box and looked into her eyes.

"will you marry me? waking up every morning with you in my bed , that's precisely what i plan to do." Seungwoo said. "i remember those words." y/n chuckled. "is that a yes?" Seungwoo asked. "yes , i'll marry you." y/n teared up and held out her hand. Seungwoo smiled and took the ring to slide it down her forth finger. "i love you." Seungwoo pecked her forehead. "i love you too , my love." y/n smiled.


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