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What would life be without GOD? Would there be any life? What if, the science theories were true? Do you think this multiverse would have ever existed? I don't think so, because behind every hard work is an earnest hand. Everything around us was created for a purpose and the purpose was something that GOD felt was good. The Earth is the only habitable Planet, Why? Because it was GOD's purpose to bring life to it. If Big Bang Theory was right then many other planets would have life suitable for their own conditions too. What if there was no sin? How different would a man be? What.........

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a rough hand shook my shoulders. I turned to find blue eyes staring at me, "Are you alright? Your cold burger is screaming at me! I can't let it die under your nose!" I roll my eyes sliding my plate to his side. 

"It's all yours."He stares at it for a while and slides back to my side. 

"No Judi, I'm full." He defends

Hannah rushes to the table and plops into the seat beside me."Sorry, I'm late."

"I'm sorry that I didn't wait for you," Luke replies making those puppy eyes.

"Hi Hannah, Hi Judith!"Ethan chirps. 

"Hello, Ethan!" Hannah and I chorus. 

Luke eyes him sternly. 

"Mr. Marshall!" Ethan exclaims when his gaze falls on Luke ." I'm so honored to meet you, .......A huge fan ..." He hiccuped the words a sheer excitement overwhelming him. 

"I'm so honored to meet you too...Ethan." Luke embraces him making Ethan bloom a bright red. 

"Can I join you Mr. Marshall because my...." 

"Please call me Luke."

"Thank you so much. I was just wondering cause my friend shifted to another town so I didn't wanna be lonely."

"Nobody is lonely, feel free to join us."

"Thank you once again."He straightens his brown-rimmed glasses nervously.

Ethan rubs his palm together and places his right palm on his chest closing his eyes. 

We three exchange looks the only thing running in our minds.

He is a Christian. 


"Let not yours be the outward adorning with braided hair, decoration of gold, and wearing robes, but let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:3-4

  {JF Abraham}

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