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I needed a moment to recover, and when I wanted to swim away, I realized I couldn't do that? "Um, Austin. Will you please let me go?" His head turned red, and his eyes looked embarrassed. The grip around my body relaxed, and I swam away. So, nobody noticed what had just happened. I didn't feel like receiving weird comments. I just wanted to swim this afternoon.

It was the last day of the holiday, and it had to end well. I tried to have as much fun as possible, and I succeeded. It only got a bit embarrassing when we went out of the pool. The boys stared at me quite fiercely. Like they saw some angel. We all went home satisfied. I was tired but happy. It wasn't that far, so we were home after five minutes. We said goodbye to Milan, who lived a little further and went inside.

I walked straight to my room. Too tired to bring out something useful. I threw my bikini in the laundry basket and picked out a set of clothes for tomorrow. When all that was ready, I hoisted myself in my pajamas and my brown, warm slippers. It was only eight o'clock, so I decided to go downstairs. 

At the bottom of the stairs, I was just able to dodge a pillow that came flying out of nowhere. I picked it up and went to the living room. Again a pillow flew in my direction, and this time I couldn't avoid it. It hit me right in the face. Good thing it's so soft. Right in front of me, Austin and Joshua were having a pillow fight while Brenda was hiding behind the couch. "Can the children not sit still for 10 minutes?" That comment gave me a pillow against my head. I just left it at that and sat down next to Brenda, who shook her head. Oh, how they could be children sometimes.

POV Austin;

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. Stupid alarm clock. Joshua kept snoring beside me. "Joshua." No response. "Joshuaaaa!" Still snoring. Could that idiot now not just wake up? Not. I stopped trying to wake him up and let myself slide off the air mattress. It wasn't such a good idea because I flew straight into Joshua's bedside table. "Oh, Shit." How many times I stayed here, every time I flew with my stupid head against the nightstand. Joshua had to put it somewhere else. I got up, limped, and got dressed quickly. I was pretty hungry; my stomach confirmed that with some growling. In the kitchen, I searched for food. "So, don't you have a fridge at home that you come and get food here?" I turned around and saw Madison sitting on the counter on a stool. Her face was happy. She had dimples in her cheeks because she was smiling. Her eyes were beautiful, brown, with a twinkle in her eyes. Her brown curls made it perfect. I was just able to control myself, not drool, and thought that I hadn't answered yet. "Um, I stayed here for the night." She made an "o" gesture with her mouth and then stared at the counter.

Suddenly she seemed to worry. Okay, then I just tried to start a conversation. "Is it interesting?" "What?" She looked up, and a blush adorned her cheeks. I said, "is it interesting?" She did not answer but started her breakfast, which she already had in front of her. There, did our conversation end. Instead of talking, I kept staring. I studied her thoroughly, from her hair that seemed different in the shining sunlight to the curve that made her lips. 

It made me conclude something; there was something.

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