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There was something, something I could not immediately put my finger on. The uncertainty almost destroyed me more than the pain and sorrow. I felt like a flower, a withered flower. A velvety soft and warm finger pulled me out of my mind. Madison rubbed the lonely tear from my eye with her finger. "Sorry."

Her voice was controlled, but her undertone betrayed her pain. And then it was over. She pulled away from my grasp and walked away. The wind brought its scent to me one last time. The unique freesia scent touched my nose one last time, and my eyes saw her disappear in the shadows of the night. At that moment came the realization that I had lost her. Forever. I felt powerless, and my knees trembled like crazy. Not long after that, I fell on my knees and my hands caught hold of my hair.

She told me that I'm not enough, yeah
And she left me with a broken heart, yeah

POV Madison; 

It was cold; the shivers ran down my back. The house quickly emerged from the darkness, and I searched for the house key in my shorts' pocket. Once inside, I heard no sounds. Everyone was probably asleep. I thought wrong because once I came around the corner of the hall, I came across Joshua. And Joshua wasn't alone. A slender, blond girl sat on his lap. Her hair was slightly wavy and reached above her shoulders. She was busy with Joshua. So neither of them even noticed me.

I felt another piece of my heart that crumbled and collapsed into the abyss. I didn't want to see this now. I tried to get rid of it quickly, but it failed. "MADIIIIP." I usually had attacked him, with his stupid nicknames constantly. Now? Now I didn't care. I slowly turned around and stared at the ground. Hopefully, it looked a bit boring. "What do you want, JOSHUAAAP?" I returned dry.

The blonde girl on his lap chuckled, and I looked up. Her face was friendly, and her eyes were extraordinary. They were two colors mixed. Her face suddenly went from happy to shocked. Joshua looked almost the same next to her. "Madison," Dread was heard in his voice. "What the hell happened?" My eyes started poking as evidence, and I knew they had seen it too. Swollen eyes and spilled mascara. Shit! I couldn't open my mouth to answer; they seemed to be screwed up. From the corner of my eye, the first tears began to make their way down. I didn't know how long I stood there, nailed to the ground. But suddenly, I felt a pair of arms that led me upstairs. I looked past me and saw the unique eyes of the girl who was with Joshua. They were worried and determined.


I was staring in front of me on my bed. The girl, apparently named Kaci, was sitting next to me, encouragingly rubbing my back. I didn't know why but something in me told me to tell her everything. I heaped everything up, and it would explode in my face if I didn't tell anyone. The tears had stopped; they were gone. My hands were cramped around my chest in a frantic attempt to hold myself together. "Do you want to talk about it?" I opened my mouth, and a flood of words came from my mouth. Kaci's face often changed when I told my story. New tears came to my eyes with every new piece, and a stab went through my heart.

Why did life have to be so complicated? "Wow, this is intense." Kaci's eyes were shocked and worried. She was extremely friendly. You just saw that in her. Something suddenly occurred to me. "Would you like me o keep it for you? I know you and Joshua are together, but he shouldn't know." Kaci smiled weakly, and I looked questioningly at her. "Joshua and I are not a couple." She grimaced for a moment, couldn't hide that she was sorry. "But I will certainly keep it to myself." She continued. "That will come. "I assured her. A sudden feeling took over, and I hugged her — something I didn't often do with people. Kaci looked completely surprised. "Thank you," I said. I knew that I was one step further. The first step was taken. I knew that I would not soon forget him, but it would happen.

I was sure of that.

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