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I fought hard against tears. This time they would not ruin this moment. "Please be honest." Austin implored, and I had to swallow the tears. I wanted to say it; I had to say it, but how? I was so bad at this. "I ..." "Yes?" Austin helped me. "I felt bad because..." "Because?" Austin asked. "Because we're still not together," I muttered, and I was shocked to hear that the pain had penetrated my voice. It remained tranquil on the other side of the table. There was just some rumbling as if he didn't know what to say. I carefully avoided his gaze, but I heard his chair slide back, and I knew he was coming to me. Austin sat down on his knees in front of me and grabbed my hands.

"Look at me," he whispered. I didn't dare, so I didn't. I still didn't have a good feeling, and I didn't want to get hurt again. Again being told that I was just a toy, not good enough to have a relationship. "Madison..." His finger pushed up my chin, so I had to look into his eyes. "I already thought that was the problem. So..." He seemed to be searching for words for a moment, and I tried to keep myself together as well as I could. "So... I want to ask you something." One of his hands went to the pocket of his coat, and he pulled out a square box. My heart began to thump in my throat, and I felt my bones turn back into sponges. The tears were already on the surface, even before he had also asked anything. "Madison... do you want to be my girlfriend?" For a moment, it felt as if all time stood still as if we were stuck at this moment forever.

The only thing I could do was stare. Austin opened the box and turned it over so that the contents fell into his palm. I continued to look hypnotized at his hand. I suddenly realized that I had not yet given an answer, and I quickly squeezed out the necessary words. "Yes, I want that," I said breathlessly. The desire and passion that grew through my body were so high that you could cover the whole world with it. "Then I have something for you." His voice was loud, and I saw the sparkle in his eyes. He turned my hand and let something cold and small fall into my hand. It was a necklace with a heart. "Take a look at the heart." My eyes studied the heart, and I could distinguish a small text with some numbers.

'till forever ~ Austin
- 10.01.11'

My eyes shot at his face, and I felt a mess of emotions that all tried to find his way out. I stood up, and Austin followed my movements. The necklace was still dangling in my hand, and Austin took it from me. He stood behind me and put it on. I immediately grabbed him. To be sure, he was really there. Austin gave a soft kiss to my neck, and I turned around. I was not satisfied with that kiss alone, and I forced my lips against his. In addition to the many pleasant emotions, an explosion of butterflies took place in my stomach, and I didn't know if I could ever be happier than this.

I was very happy.


Hello everyone!! Again thank you so much for all the love and support for this story. I really love Madison & Austin together, and I hope you all like this story so far? xoxo

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