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"Aaaah, I'm going to die! I will be in college tomorrow." Joshua started pounding his head on the table like crazy, the idiot. Everyone laughed, but somewhere he was right. I will be already in college tomorrow. And for me, that meant more than for the rest. It meant a new college, new people, and possibly new pain. I had already been told that I was in a class with Joshua, Brenda, Mia, Milan, and — how else could it be — Austin, still, I wasn't feeling good about it. I didn't want to go to college. Everything was fine as it was now.

None of the boys had said anything about me crying, but I was sure Brenda knew about it. She also never seemed to talk about Austin again, something she would do otherwise. So, she had realized that the crying had something to do with what she had said before about Austin. One hand waved in front of my face, and another pushed against my shoulders. "Huh, what?" I asked in a strange tone that everyone was in a dent again. "Brenda just asked if you would like to come swimming at our house," Mia answered, half grinning. I didn't have to think long; I loved swimming. "Yes, of course." I immediately brought Brenda upstairs when it turned out that we were leaving now.

Fifteen minutes later, we were still discussing which bikini I would take with me when Joshua stormed into the room. "Okay, you just take that bikini," He grabbed my dark blue bikini and threw it at Brenda, who just caught it. "And NOW we're leaving." Then, he stormed out of the room again, half growling. "Wow, talking about mood changes," I said in astonishment, but I left it with that and pulled Brenda downstairs with me. The rest was, of course, already waiting. Joshua and Milan were tapping their feet impatiently; Austin was bored and smoked a cigarette while staring at the floor. And Mia was busy with her cell phone. "Finally," Joshua sighed, rolling his eyes. "Shut up, Joshua; I still have that red paint." I snapped. I quickly changed my clothes in Jessica's room and grabbed my comfortable swimming towel to put them around my body.

 I quickly changed my clothes in Jessica's room and grabbed my comfortable swimming towel to put them around my body

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❤ 💬 ↗️

Liked by bananainthehouse, postmalone, damnmilan, quarrelbilly, brendabandana, miaxlrds, joshua_inthahouse, and 54 others

madisnpiercee The tans will fade but the memories will last forever. 🌞 Tomorrow the real deal again! 😔

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username1 That seductive smile ❤️
username2 Uff u are so cute !!!!
brendabandana This summer was amazing! 💕
quarrelbilly just wishing you good luck for tomorrow.
username3 Omg, Post Malone liked your picture. No fucking way! 😲
bananainthehouse Good luck Madi. <3
damnmilan Don't talk about tomorrow! Just let's have fun today.
miaxlrds @damnmilan Indeed! 😊
26 minutes ago

Mia and Brenda were also ready, and we walked outside. We had already heard splashing from the kitchen, which meant that the boys hadn't waited for us to go swimming. "So I told her—" Mia suddenly stopped talking and stared at the pool. At first, I didn't understand why she looked so strange, but I understood when I looked at the pool. There was nobody in the water. "I'd swear I just heard water," Brenda said, muttering. Her words weren't out of her mouth yet, or I felt a couple of wet but warm arms around my body. I was dragged and pulled into the water, but I grabbed my assailant so that he would fall into it.

When I surfaced, I saw Mia next to me come up screaming. "JOSHUA, IF I GET YOU, YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" At the exact moment, Brenda shouted something similar to Milan, who was chuckling along the side. Joshua stood behind him, ready to walk - since Mia was almost out of the pool. Just when I wanted to start wondering where Austin was, he came up. He looked funny. His gaze was surprised and sheepish. He did not expect this. "Ha Post, did you like it??" I was just able to keep myself serious. "Wait, we're not finished yet." His grin became mysterious, and I didn't fully trust it. My suspicion was correct because a moment later, I went under again. I didn't even mind. I felt his bare chest against my back, and it gave me shivers. I felt his arms around me as if I were his property. I felt his face close by; it lay on my shoulder.

And then we came up again—gone moment.

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