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His finger pushed my chin up, and I was forced to look at him. "Why wouldn't I want the whole world to know that you are my girlfriend?" "Because I don't want to die yet?" It came out so dry that I had to laugh with it myself. Austin pulled me close, and I felt that he was smiling too. He grabbed my head between his hands, and his eyes came with a loving look. "I love you, and I want everyone to know." He said before he pressed his lips briefly on mine. His lips seemed to suck the worries out of my head, and I wondered why I had been frightened by them again. My hand quickly touched his cheek before he opened the room door and pulled me into the hallway. I felt the center of attention. As if there were spots on me and a big sign with "Look here!" hung above me. I tried to ignore the glances and look straight ahead, but I couldn't banish the whisper.

 I tried to ignore the glances and look straight ahead, but I couldn't banish the whisper

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❤ 💬 ↗️

Liked by brendabandana, madisnpiercee, joshua_inthahouse, americanfailure, lusttforlife, and 582.393 others

postmalone finally you are mine 💑💕

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username1 Madison in that dress was everything to me. 😩
username2 Cuties
username3 Slut 🤮
brendabandana Such cuties. Love you girl 💗💗
username4 Cutest couple!😍
joshua_inthahouse dude finally!!
username5 Couple Goal 😍😍❤️❤️🔥
You both look so adorable 💕
4 minutes ago

"SHE?" "You can not be serious." "Hey, Austin! Leave that girl now; she will leave you in 5 months." Austin squeezed my hand gently, and I felt his grip strengthen. We quickly moved on to biology. I entered full of good hope, but that hope disappeared like snow in the sun when I caught the many dirty looks and heard the accompanying whispers. Austin pulled me to the back seat and dropped to a chair without releasing my hand. I sat down numb. I felt terrible and wished I could escape the destructive looks. I felt his thumb rub over the back of my hand, and he whispered quickly into my ear. "Don't worry. I love you; that's what counts." Immediately, I felt better, but I could not let go of the feeling. The eyes faded when the teacher came in, but I still heard whispers. My name was even used in a sentence with words like "slut" and "not worth it."


Providing weeks and meanwhile, it was already mid-February. The snowy landscape was now replaced by the spring that came. The first defrost spots were already in sight, and the sun occasionally appeared from behind the clouds. The air became warmer, and it was a good day for February. The sun was shining slightly, and there was little wind. I lay my head against Austin's shoulder while we sat on a bench together. The wind blew my hair in all directions, and Austin was playing with a few tufts. Occasionally our eyes crossed, and I felt the same crush that I felt at the beginning. Nothing seemed to have changed. I still felt the explosion of butterflies when I looked at him, the surprise that he was mine.

The wave of warmth flowed through my body and the tingling every time I touched it. It was all still there. His fingers were entangled with mine, and he played with our joined hands. I enjoyed the moment and crawled into him. His free hand slid along my body to my waist, where he lay still. "I'm going to miss this." Austin's voice was filled with sorrow, which he tried to suppress. But I knew him too well. "I know." I agreed softly. I thought about the prospects we had, and I couldn't suppress a little sigh. He would be touring again next week. I lost it again for five weeks, and I already felt the emptiness withdraw into my heart. Austin had tried everything to take me with him, but it all failed. Nobody seemed to want to cooperate. They all thought it was so important that I went to school. As if I was learning anything this year. I could not resist, and I counted the days I had left. I didn't get far. Only four days left. I automatically grabbed Austin's hand more vigorously, as if that were going to make sure he wouldn't leave. I closed my eyes and moved closer to Austin.

I was enjoying the moments we still had.

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