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Tiny snowflakes fell on my clothes while they became darker and darker. It made everything even more fairy-like than it already was. The long driveway emerged from the approaching night. Austin cycled it up effortlessly, something I never managed. I heard a soft roar and didn't have to see to know that the car was on. It had been a good thing that we had packed our bags this morning. Otherwise, we would have arrived too late for our flight. I jumped off the bike, pulled it out of Austin's hands, and threw it in its usual place against the gate. "Finally, there you are. We really have to go on now." My mother came around the corner like a headless chicken with my big blue suitcase in her hand. "When are we leaving?"

I asked, narrowing my eyes and trying to see through the darkness if anyone was already in the car. I was able to detect three shadows, and I no longer had to answer my question. "Come." I pulled Austin by the hand and walked to the car. I sat down at my regular place in the front, and Austin swept past Joshua from behind. I sighed. It was a long journey, which I wasn't looking forward to. My mother settled down behind the steering wheel and quickly drove away through the gate. I took a last look at the large farm before closing my eyes and trying to sleep. "Omg! It's Post Malone." An enormous screeching erupted, and I rolled my eyes in irritation. I walked on as fast as I could before a bunch of crazy people rammed me, as I saw that the rest followed my example. We reached customs just in time. Some fans remained disappointed, some weeping, some happy. I almost started to feel sorry. Almost.

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Liked by cassow, parisshadows, madisnpiercee, miaxlrds, americanfailure, damnmilan, joshua_inthahouse, brendabandana, lusttforlife, and 312.482 others

postmalone Met some lovely fans today; you guys rock! 🤟

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cassow 🙏🏾 
username1 Omg they are so lucky!! 
parisshadows Kind young sir
madisnpiercee 😘😘😘
username2 🥺🥺😍😍
username3 Ok bae you so cute tho
11 minutes ago

"Are you coming to sit next to me?" Blue puppy eyes pierced me, and I could only consent; I was forced, although you couldn't call it that if you wanted something yourself. The desire was so great, and the butterflies in my belly seemed to pull towards the chair. I sat down in the chair next to Austin's without saying anything. Almost immediately, I felt his hand grabbing mine. He held it tightly and stroked the back of my hand with his thumb. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I had a strange dream. I seemed to bump up and down, and whatever I tried, nothing seemed to stop that. The bump was soft and rhythmic, yet it wasn't enjoyable. It suddenly stopped, and I fell back into the dreamless dream full of colors and strange figures. A while later, as it seemed, I was awakened by a couple of whispering voices. "Oh, and since when can you take someone home?" "Dude!" Austin's voice was so funny that it took me a lot of effort to pretend I was sleeping. "You really like her, don't you?" I heard Lyam say. My ears straight up to listen to his answer, but nothing came out of it. "Yes, Lyam, I'm going to sleep now. I appreciate your interest" I suddenly hobbled back and forth, and I immediately realized that that was precisely the case.

I kept silent and lifeless in his arms as I could.

Blame it on me' ~ Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now