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"FEL STOPPPP." I cycled at a distance so that nothing happened to me. We had been cycling in silence for a while, well, what you call to silence. They were screaming to the entire neighborhood. I didn't know where we were cycling, but I recognized the area. When I looked closer, I saw that we were in Austin's street. The houses here were more extensive and more expensive. What was visible on the outside. There were expensive cars in front of most doors, and the gardens were chic. Austin's house quietly came into view, and I began to daydream.

I felt the jitters coming into my stomach when I thought of his touch. His love and his sweet words. The gnawing sensation in my stomach was repressed by the wave of heat that took hold of my body every time I thought of Austin. "Hey, there is Austin." I didn't notice Kaci's sudden stop because my attention was drawn to what she said. My gaze shifted to his house, which had meanwhile arrived very close, and my eyes fell on two people standing in the driveway. I had to make an effort not to fall off my bike; that was how intense I was. I felt the butterflies flying frantically in my stomach when I absorbed Austin's face. I just got off my bike when...

POV Austin;

She laughed so hard that it automatically made me happy. Her eyes sparkled, and she seemed to find something amusing. Her eyes shot sideways, but before I could see what was there, I felt her lips press on mine.

POV Madison;

A blond girl stood along with Austin. She was quite pretty. Her bright blonde locks hung down to her shoulders, and she had a slender figure. She seemed to be perfect. I couldn't find a single fault, no deviation. She felt my stare, and her eyes shot quickly at me. She looked at me with a smile that drifted off. It used to be such a laugh: I don't like you. I immediately felt a fit of anger go through me. I couldn't stand such people. My free hand frowned, and I wanted to walk to Austin, but before I could do that, something else happened. Something was nailed to the ground. I looked horrified at the scene in front of me. I didn't have to look sideways; I saw from my angle that Kaci and Felicity were looking just the same. Mouth open, nailed to the ground, reading the shock in their eyes. The shock was so big that the tears did not even come. The shock seemed to stop them. If it were possible, my heart would have stopped. What would it still be valid for? Now it had lost its sole purpose. It felt like small pieces were being pulled off without a doubt, with the sole purpose of hurting me as much as possible. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. The pain had made my eyes stare. The only thing I could stare at was what hurt me.

Austin was kissing. And unless I could split into two nowadays, I wasn't. The first shock ebbed away, and the tears came. They slid down my cheeks like waterfalls, and I started sobbing frantically. The grip on my bike went weak and fell to the ground with a loud sound. Kaci also seemed to be thawing and walked quickly towards me. She pulled me into her arms and comforted me as far as she could. I still couldn't look at anything else. The loud sound of my falling bicycle shook Austin, and his eyes glanced at me. There was a shock in it. Of course, he was caught. The blonde girl was staring at me, graying, as if she had done nothing wrong. She had kissed my goddamn boyfriend. My eyes stared at the floor, no longer able to look at the painful scene. The fact dawned on me more and more, and I lost control of my legs. I dropped to the floor, and I started to sob even more laborious. How could he? "Dirty bastard," Kaci murmured more to himself than to anyone else. 'HOW COULD YOU? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, POST? "I wondered what the noise meant, and I watched where it came from. Felicity stood before Austin and was frantically clapping her arms. She slapped his chest hard, and he backed away.

"Wow, chill!" "Why should I, Austin! You are kissing another WOMAN, and I have to be calm. You cheat on your girlfriend." After shouting the latter, she pushed hard at him and hit him in the face. She left a red handprint. My head started to spin, but my brain could still work. I finally understood what that feeling in my stomach meant. I finally realized it warned me. I wish I had never known. It destroyed me. I was shocking too hard, and I felt that I was starting to hyperventilate. Black spots came before my eyes, and I felt myself slip away from being aware. "How could you!" It was the last thing I said before the black took possession of me.

My life was over.

Blame it on me' ~ Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now