•Chapter 1•

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"My Dad wanted to know if you could come over tonight" Namjoon was walking down the school hallway with his friend Chanyeol.

"Yeah sure, what for?"

"Oh well my Dad is going out tonight with a couple of friends"

Namjoon's father was a nice guy. He loved Namjoon more than anything in the world. He knew that Namjoon was gay, and he supported it.

"Yeah sure, I can come over" Chanyeol looked down at his phone before putting it into his pocket.

"Cool. I'll text my Dad later that you said yes"

"Okay-" Chanyeol was cut off by his boyfriend back hugging him.

"Babe~ u didn't reply to any of my messages" Chanyeol's boyfriend whined to him.

Namjoon looked down feeling like a third wheel.

"You sent me a message?" Chanyeol then pulled out his phone to check if he had any notifications from his lover.

"Psh you didn't" Chanyeol's boyfriend let's go of him before stepping in front of him laughing.

"Yeah I know"

"Aish Baekhyun!" Chanyeol pulled him into a tight hug before kissing his head.

Namjoon sighed catching both of their attentions. "I'm gonna go-" Before Namjoon could finish his sentence Baekhyun cut him off.

"Your not gonna walk to class with us?" Baehyun then let's go of Chanyeol while Chanyeol's arms are still wrapped around his boyfriend.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be a third wheel" Chanyeol's boyfriend laugh at what Namjoon said, pushing g his boyfriend away to hug Namjoon.

"Sorry Joonie~"

"Aish let go of me-" Namjoon was cut off by him getting pushed.

"Get out of my way asshole" The male that pushed Namjoon out of the way said coldly to Namjoon as he was still walking.

Namjoon stuttered out a sorry. Baekhyun then broke the hug between him and Namjoon.

"Maybe you should watch were you going asshole" Baekhyun mocked, satisfied as he got the attention of the person who pushed Namjoon.

Namjoon widen his eyes and the male that pushed him stopped. Everyone got quiet as they wanted to see what was going to happen next.

Baekhyun was the type of male that would stick up to anybody who hurt someone he loved. He was strong, caring, loving, and a bit of a psycho. But he always had a soft spot for Namjoon. If you got on Baekhyun's bad side you would wish you didn't wake up that morning.

"What did you just day to me?" The male stepped up to Baekhyun.

"I said-" Baekhyun was cut off by Namjoon gently pulling him back saying "It's okay Baekhyun I was in the way"

Chanyeol then stepped forward telling the shorter male to back off.

"Guys stop its okay" Now Namjoon was pulling the two of his best friends back.

"Hey! Whats going on here?!" A teacher came out into the hallway with a yard stick. "Class started a minute ago!"

Before Namjoon could say anything
Baekhyun spoke up before he did. "Sir these bullies pushed Namjoon out of the way and called him an asshole"

"Because he is one you dumbass!"
The male that pushed Namjoon yelled and the teacher rolled his eyes.

"Yeah we all know you have a small dick Yoongi!" Namjoon quietly laughed at Baekhyun's comment.

Yoongi then gave a glare to Namjoon saying 'Your going to get a serious beating later if you keep laughing'.

Namjoon then stopped and cleared his throat. "Sir it's okay I was just in the-"

"Namjoon, Baekhyun, Yoongi stay here while the rest of you get to class!!"


"It wasn't a question Yoongi"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun said there goodbye with a kiss while Namjoon just said, "See you later Chanyeol"

Namjoon watched as Yoongi did all types of handshakes with his friend saying his goodbye too.

"Okay. Now. What's going on?"
Baekhyun sighed at the teachers question before telling what happened, after he did Yoongi protested saying it was all a lie. After a minute of arguing the teacher told them to shut up.

"Namjoon" Namjoon quickly looked up from the ground and at his teacher.


"What really happened?"

Oh no..

Namjoon didn't want the teacher to ask him what happened because he would have to pick a side. Yoongi or Baekhyun.

If he chose Yoongi that would leave
Baekhyun very upset with him, and he would probably get scolded by the elder.

If he chose Baekhyun he would get a beating he'll never forget my Yoongi, and he didn't want that one bit.

Namjoon thoughts were cut off by his teacher saying his name. "W-what?"
The teacher rolled his eyes once again.

"Tell me the truth, what really happened?"

Then finally Namjoon spoke.

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