•Chapter 2•

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"What B-Baekhyun said was the truth."

Baekhyun threw his hands up and said "Took you long enough!"

Namjoon looked back down at the ground again.

"Very well then. Yoongi detention after school and it wasn't a question."

Yoongi sighed frustrated.

"S-sir its o-okay at, you don't have to-to give him d-detention. " Namjoon spoke shaking-ly. He didn't want Yoongi to get detention because Namjoon knew if he did. He would get beat up later in the day by Yoongi and his Friends.

"What the hell Namjoon! He deserves to go to detention. Better yet dying."

Yoongi sent a death glare at Baekhyun, but he ignored it.

"Language Baekhyun" Baekhyun just rolled his eyes. "Now get out of here before I put all of you in detention. Yoongi your still going I accept you to be there by 3:15."

"Uh sir I have your class. " Baekhyun spoke to the teacher.

"Well let's go." The teacher made Baekhyun walk in class before him getting a slap to the head by the teacher.


Then the door to the classroom closed leaving Namjoon and Yoongi in the hallway.... Alone.

Namjoon turned around to walk away and then run for it, but before he could do that Yoongi grabbed him by his arm and smashed him against the locked.

"What the hell was that?!"

The wall to the school are very thick, so not one soul can hear them.

"I- I'm so sor-sorry I-"

"Bullshit! I have detention because of you!"

Namjoon felt tears building up in his eyes.

"I said I-Im sorry." He chocked on a few sobs.

Yoongi POV

I yelled at Namjoon and now he was about to cry. I kinda felt bad, but for some weird reason I like to see him like this. Watery eyes, redish pick lips trembling, and repeating a word I love that always escapes his mouth. I just loved seeing him tremble from under me.

Nobody's POV

"I'll show you sorry." Yoongi grabbed a fist full of Namjoon hair and slammed his head against the lockers making Namjoon fall to the ground as soon as Yoongi let's go of him.

Yoongi started kicking Namjoon showing no mercy any time soon.

Namjoon begged him to stop but he didn't.

After awhile Yoongi stopped kicking him and crouched down to Namjoon grabbing his chin.

Namjoon was crying uncontrollably.

"Tell anyone about this I'll hurt you really fucking bad." Yoongi then stood up and kicked Namjoon one more time before walking away. He couldn't help but notice something collide with the ground behind Namjoon. He thought he would check it out as soon as Namjoon leaves.

Namjoon got up weakly and coughed. He ran to the bathroom sobbing while holding his stomach. He honestly didn't care if he had to go to class or not.

Namjoon ran into one of the bathroom stalls and started throwing up.... Blood.

Yoongi POV

When Namjoon left I went to see what it was that he had dropped. I saw something tiny and silver.

Cuts and Razors NamjoonxBTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now