•Chapter 40•

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Namsoo held Namjoon's hand as Namjoon held Monnie.

Namjoon was taken to the hospital to get checked and that's where he got questioned too. They found out many things like the way it all started and how it ended. And what happened to him, Namsoo never saw Namjoon cry so hard as he had to talk about what happened to him.

Namsoo felt happy tears leave his eyes. He finally had Namjoon and that's all that mattered. He contacted Chanyeol and Baekhyun and told them the good news. They say they were gonna leave Korea and get a  plane to America as soon as possible to surprise Namjoon.

Namjoon coughed in his sleep and itched his nose causing Monnie to wake up.

Chi-won entered the quiet room before closing the door quietly. He grabbed a chair and sat next to Namsoo. "How is he?" He asked in a soft voice.

"Tired." Namsoo said.

Chi-won nodded. "Um, the guys that kidnapped him are currently in custody. They'll for sure stay in prison for a lifetime with what they did to Namjoon."

Namsoo nodded. "How much is bail?" He asked.

"Ten million dollars." Chi-won said. "And the price goes up during the years that pass. My partner got arrested too." He said.

Namsoo quickly looked at Chi-won. "Why?"

"He was Yoongi's brother and he was helping them. They even lied about their identities. They're in there twenties and the oldest is thirty years old." Chi-won explained.

Namsoo was taken back by their ages. "What the hell- how did they get in high school. How the hell do they look like high schoolers." He asked aloud.

Chi-won was gonna explain everything but a nurse entered the room.

"I need to check his vitals and he needs to eat." She said and looked at Namjoon not really wanting to disturb the male.

Namsoo nodded. He lightly shook Namjoon awake. "Namjoon..." He whispered and Namjoon stirred awake.

"Hm?" He hummed in a high pitched type of way.

"C'mon you gotta get up." Namsoo said. He stood up and Namjoon quickly got up to, not wanting to not be by his father's side. Namsoo and Chi-won chuckled.

Namjoon grabbed Monnie and held him close to his body as the puppy slept in his arms peacefully.

"You hungry?" The nurse asked and Namjoon nodded. "Okay c'mon." She looked at Namsoo and Chi-won asking if they were hungry too.

The two makes nodded. "I could use something to eat." Chi-won said as he held his flat stomach.

Namsoo nodded and felt his hand being grabbed by Namjoon and he smiled. "You okay?" He asked and Namjoon nodded.


Namjoon bent down to feed Monnie some of his food before he started to finally eat.

Namsoo smile at his son and looked down at Monnie. "He's cute."

Namjoon smiled. "Yeah." He frowned and felt bad not knowing why. It was quiet before he broke the silence. "Um I need to bathroom." He said speaking to his Dad and Chi-won.

"Yeah me too." Chi-won laughed and got up. "Want me to take you?" He asked and saw Namjoon hesitate.

Namsoo saw to and decided to tell Namjoon he was safe. "And if your not I'll make sure to beat his ass." He said jokingly, while pointing his fork at Chi-won

Chi-won laughed and so did Namjoon. He got up and followed Chi-won.


Namjoon sat down in the corner of the bathroom and he sighed wanting to cry. He was happy yet so sad and confused. He didn't know how to feel about all of this. He covered his mouth and lightly sobbed into his hand. He closed his eyes and tears escaped from them.

After awhile of crying silently he got up and walked to the sink. He splashed water in his face and grabbed paper towels before drying off. He left the bathroom and Chi-won smiled.

"You can go back now." He said and Namjoon nodded leaving.

Namjoon smiled when he saw his Dad laughed because he was getting kisses from Monnie.

Monnie barked and kept licking Namsoo's face. He stopped when he saw his owner. He jumped down and barked at Namjoon.

Namjoon giggle and picked him up before walking to the table his Dad was sitting at.

"I got some food for him." Namsoo said when Namjoon sat down. "So you don't have to keep feeding him your food." He finished and put some fries into his mouth.

Namjoon nodded. "Thank you."

After awhile Chi-won came walking back with a smile of his face. "I have some good news." He said and sat down. "You guys get to go home. Next week you have to go to court though."

Namjoon smiled. "Oh my god I can't wait to see Channie and Baekie." He said and he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"You don't have to wait." Chanyeol said and Namjoon immediately turned around.

"Chanyeol!" Namjoon got up and ran into Chanyeol's open arms. He smiled and after awhile he pulled back and frowned when he saw Chanyeol crying. "What's wrong?" He asked and wiped his tears away.

"I was so scared I'd never see you again." Chanyeol said and Namjoon smiled.

"It's okay." He said. "I'm here."

"No hugs for me?" Baekhyun pouted.

Namjoon looked behind Chanyeol's bigger frame and smiled. "Baekhyun.." He trailed before walking up to him and hugging him tightly, Baekhyun doing the same thing. He felt Chanyeol hug him and Baekhyun from behind. He never felt so warm and happy to see his friends.

"Gosh Joonie your really here." Baekhyun said and engulfed Namjoon tighter.

Namjoon nodded. "I'm really here." He repeated.


Namjoon hugged Chi-won. "Thank you for being there for my Dad. And thank you so much for helping me get  home." He pulled away and smiled, showing his dimples.

"Your welcome." Chi-won said. "See you next week." He said and Namjoon frowned.

"Your not gonna visit?" He asked and looked back at his Dad. "He would want you to." He said and turned back to Chi-won.

Chi-won smiled. "We'll see what happens." He said. "Bye Namjoon."

"Bye!" Namjoon waved walking away.


I'm so tired 😂

But uhm should I update again?

I will if you want me to.

Anywhooo sorry for any mistakes.

Bye bye bye <3

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