•Chapter 8•

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Namjoon panicked. "Wh-what are you doing!? Get off of me!" He shouted, trying to get his arms out of Jungkook's grip, but he held tightly.

"I-" But Namjoon was suddenly cut off by a phone ringing... Yet again. He sighed in relief and heard Jungkook groan. He then felt the grip on his wrists loosen, and before he knew it, Jungkook was off of him.

"Get out." Jungkook harshly said before he grabbed his phone and answered the call.

Namjoon quickly got up and left without looking at Jungkook, who was staring at him. When he was out of the room he closed the door and leaned against the wall before taking a breathe. What the fuck just happened? He stood there staring at the blank wall in front of him, hoping that there would be an answer. I must be going crazy. He thought when he realized he stared at a wall for a answer. He shook his head and quickly took off back down stairs.

"Where's Jungkook?" Jimin questioned. He took a bite of the bacon that was in his hand.

"His room?" Namjoon said, but he didn't realize how it came out like a question.

"Oh." Jimin tilted his head. "Um, do you wanna change your clothes?"

Nanjoon nodded. Just then he noticed that Jimin was sitting alone in the kitchen. "Wh-where's everyone else?" He asked when he saw Jimin take one more bite of his bacon, and leaving it there before walking up to Namjoon.

"They went to the theater room." He said after he swallowed the bacon. He started walking up the stairs and gestured Namjoon to follow. "They told me to wait for you, so I can give you my clothes-"

"When are my clothes at? Who changed me? Why-" Namjoon stopped questioning Jimin when he saw him turn around and glare at him.

"I was talking. Could you just shut up and let me speak." Jimin looked at Namjoon dead in the eye, as he was at least two stairs taller than Namjoon, and Namjoon had to look up at him.

"Sorry." Namjoon said before looking down.

Jimin smiled and turned around. "What's your shirt and pants size?" He took a turn, and they were in the same hallway Jungkook carried Namjoon in.

"U-um my pants are seventeen and-"

"Seventeen!?" Jimin turned around, shocked. He saw Namjoon bite his lip and nod. "Your lying... Right?"

Namjoon stood there before shaking his head lightly, that action made his bangs fall on his forehead, crossing over his eyes. Ugh! I need a haircut.

Jimin crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Your shirt size?"


Jimin stood there looking at Namjoon  with a stern face, he saw Namjoon shift his weight from one leg to another uncomfortably. He sighed before he spoke. "I don't have size seventeen's, I only have nineteen's  and twenty's... And I can give you a shirt. Um... Do you want sweats or jeans or something?"

Namjoon looked up to make eye contact for a brief second before he quickly looked away. "U-um it doesn't matter."

Jimin nodded. "Okay let's go." He turned around and walked to the end of the hallway before he took a right.

Namjoon gasped as he turned he saw that there was a huge glass placed where a wall should be on the left side of the new hallway he entered. "Woah." His eyes widen at the view that was displayed. He saw a pool, and a large backyard of grass. Best of all he saw the city in view, the way it sparkled from the reflection of the sun, it caused his mouth to drop. He realized that he stopped to look at the view when Jimin grabbed above his elbow.

"Hurry up."

"Sorry." Namjoon automatically apologized. He bit his lip and hesitantly spoke. "Th-that v-view was amazing."

Jimin nodded and let go of Namjoon's arm. "Yeah. It took awhile to get that glass there."

"It wasn't there before!?" Namjoon widen his eyes. "Why-"

"Jin and Hoseok wanted to see the view of the city everytime they went to their room's." Jimin explained. "So apart of the house was destroyed all because they wanted you see a view for a few seconds unless they were gonna pause and stop to look at it like you did." Jimin turned and opened a door, then continued talking. "But it was kinda worth it."

"Kinda?" Namjoon asked before following Jimin in the room when he saw him gesture it.

"Yeah kinda. Yoongi hyung complains about how bright it is when he walks out of his room which is at the end of the hall."

"Oh... I think you guys are lucky to see a view like that every morning and go to sleep to it every night."

Jimin replied with a nod. He walked to a closet before opening it. "Sit on the bed." He ordered softly before pulling a random shirt out if his closet.

Namjoon was gonna walk up to the bed to sit down, but Jimin stopped him.

"Wait, come here real quick."

Namjoon saw Jimin squat down, and pull his drawer out before he started rustling through his pants.

Jimin then pulled out a pair of black sweats. "Here, these might fit you the best out of everything I have." He handed out the clothes to Namjoon who took it.

"Thank you." Namjoon said softly before looking around and biting onto his bottom lip. "I-is there a bathr-"

"Right over there." Jimin pointed to the side.

Namjoon nodded before saying another 'thank you' and heading off to the bathroom. When he made it he closed the other door and locked it. He was surprised to see how big Jimin's bathroom was. Damn it's twice a big as my bathroom. He looked down at the clothes he had placed on the sink.

Namjoon sighed before he let the pants he was wearing drop to the floor. He stepped out of them and grabbed the sweat pants Jimin gave to him, and slipped them on.

Then Namjoon took the shirt he was wearing off. And dropped then next to the pants that were laying on the floor. He grabbed the shirt that was on the sink before slipping that on too. It was a little baggy but it would work, Namjoon thought when he looked into the large mirror.

Namjoon looked down and lifted the shirt he was wearing up and held it under his chin. He grabbed the strings to the pants and tightened them before he tied them. Then he let the shirt drop before he bent down and picked up the clothes he last wore. He folded them neatly and unlocked the bathroom door, then he walked out. He saw Jimin sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down looking at his phone and scrolling through it.

Jimin looked up and saw that the clothes he gave to Namjoon fit him.. Somewhat perfectly. Just the shirt is a little baggy. He stood up and walked to Namjoon taking the clothes he had and tossing them across the room and into a use to be empty basket. "Let's go." He turned around to walk away but he felt Namjoon grab ahold of his hand.


Sorry this chapter is short. I'm feeling a bit sick (not that it matters) and it's kind of affecting me a little bit. I'm sorry. Um.. I'll try to update a longer chapter tomorrow if I'm not feeling sick. Goodnight, sleep well.

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