•Chapter 23•

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Doing homework was a lie, I'm sorry.


After the incident between Namsoo and Chi-won, Namsoo went straight home and cried through the rest of the day. He didn't bother to go to anyone as he felt so heartbroken and weak. He wondered what has gotten into Chi-won. As he was laying in bed he heard his door bell ring but he ignored it.

There Chi-won stood with a broken nose, a bruised face, and a busted lip at the Kim's house ringing the door bell. He was mad at himself for what he had did to Namsoo. And he wanted to explain why he acted the way he did, and he was sure Namsoo wanted an explanation.

Chi-won kept knocking on the door and ringing the door bell. He even called Namsoo a couple of times but he wasn't answering. Chi-won sighed and started to bang at the door. "Goddamn it Namsoo!" He shouted and stopped. "Ya know what," He tsked and put his hands on his hips. "I'll get a warrant." He turned around, about to walk away but he immediately stopped.

"What the hell do you want?" Namsoo asked and felt himself pulled into a tight, warm hug.

"Im so so sorry Namsoo." Chi-won said and was literally getting teary-eyed and had no idea why, but he didn't care at the moment.

Namsoo stood there and didn't bother to return the hug, "Want do you want?" He asked again and more coldly this time.

Chi-won pulled back and Namsoo widen his eyes before touching Chi-won's face. "Oh my god... I'm so sorry." He said and gently touched the bruised cheek, "A-are you okay?" He asked but didn't make eye contact whatsoever.

Chi-won shook his head. Not till you forgive me, he thought but decided to lie. "I'm okay," He said with a smile.

Namsoo nodded and pulled his hands away. "Okay good," He said and stepped back before shutting the door in Chi-won's face and locking it.

"Aish! Namsoo!" He shouted and knocked at the door. "Open up please." Once he said that the porch lights were turned off and he couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll come back tomorrow then." He said loud enough for Namsoo to hear and both males smiled.


Namjoon slowly opened his eyes and yawned cutely. He felt a lot of pressure on his lap and shoulder, and that caused a bit of pain to course through those areas. He blinked a few times to make the blurriness in his eyes go away. He coughed a tiny bit and sniffled. Oh god I hope I'm not sick. He thought. (A/N: Make any jokes about COVID-19 and I'll block you).

When Jungkook heard a cough he quickly looked up in the review and saw Namjoon was awake. He widen his eyes. Shit shit shit, he thought. But he kept his cool and tried to relax. Yoongi and Jinnie-hyung are here, nothing to worry about. He looked ahead at the dark road before him and saw no vehicles besides Hoseok's SUV driving before him. He then looked into the door mirror and saw no sign of any vehicle what so ever. He sighed feeling relieved.

Namjoon slowly looked up, he felt sleepy but he ignored the feeling. When he looked up he made eye contact with Jungkook. "Hello." He said surprising Jungkook, yup I'm sick. He thought and silently whined.

"Hi..." Jungkook said feeling a bit unsure of Namjoon's actions at that moment. "Um...you okay?" He asked and took his eyes off of the review mirror and looked at the road.

Namjoon nodded. "I hope so." He said, his voice was scratchy and hoarse. And when he tried to clear his throat that only caused pain to spark in that same place. "I-i think I'm sick." He said, he really hoped he wasn't. But the signs were obvious.

Jungkook gulped and slowly shook his head up and down. "Yeah, you sound like it." He looked down at the passengers seat and there was a water bottle along with few snacks. "You hungry or thirsty?" He looked up from the seat and into the review mirror to look at Namjoon. He smiled as he saw Namjoon more clearly, gosh he looks so freaking cute! He thought because Namjoon had fluffy hair that was all over the place making him look cute. And his face was a little puffy making his cheeks look adorably chubby and his lips beautifully plump.

Namjoon ran his right hand up and down his left arm, he felt uncomfortable with the way Jungkook was staring at him. As Namjoon spoke, he was afraid that Jungkook wasn't listening. "Jungkook?..." He asked and hesitantly brought his right arm up and waved his hand at the mirror.

Jungkook's thoughts were cut off by Namjoon, and truth to be told, he was thankful Namjoon brought him out of his thoughts before they got any dirtier. "Yeah?" He looked back at the road and grabbed a water bottle and a tiny bag of chips and passed it back to Namjoon.

Namjoon took it and looked at the side of Jungkook's head. "Y-you okay?" He asked actually feeling curious if he was or not.

Namjoon was afraid to admit that the more time that he spent with the six boys the more he started to care for them, especially Taehyung. He noticed out of everybody he always finds himself with Taehyung the most, and weirdly after what Taehyung did to him then apologized for, in a way he felt closer to him then anyone else.

As much as he cared for them at the moment (which wasn't much) he couldn't find it in himself to forgive their actions, and they never apologized so it's not like he really had to forgive them at all. But if they wanted the forgiveness then they are gonna have to work for it is what Namjoon thought.

Jungkook nodded and picked his own water bottle up and drank from it. Why isn't he asking about where we're going or what the hell is happening at the moment? He thought before pulling the water bottle away and answering Namjoon's question. "I'm okay," He smiled.

Namjoon nodded and looked away. "Okay." He whispered.

Jungkook looked at the passenger seat again and removed the things off of the seat, as much as he thought asking Namjoon to sit in the passenger seat was a bad idea he didn't actually care. "Namjoon?"

Namjoon looked up, "Yeah?" He asked feeling scared for a second.

"Come sit up here with me." Jungkook said.

Namjoon slightly widen his eyes. "N-no i-it's okay." He said said while shaking his head.

"It wasn't a question." Jungkook said as calmly as he could. He didn't want to sound mean or rough, he was happy that they had a conversation and he wanted it to continue. He was desperate for Namjoon to trust him and forgive him. They all were, and they were willing to do anything to get it. But baby steps first, Is what Jin told them.

Namjoon kept shaking his head which confused Jungkook. "I can't." Namjoon said, he looked at the heads that were laying on him in the most weirdest positions almost making him giggle earlier when he noticed.

Jungkook seem to notice too and nodded. "Okay. Maybe later." He said and smiled at Namjoon through the review mirror, and to his surprise Namjoon returned the smiled making Jungkook's heart feel warm and fuzzy.


Happy chapter I guess, or I think, hell ideka, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Sorry for any mistake and blah blah blah.

Kk buh-byeee <3

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