•Chapter 21•

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As the boys loaded into the two vehicles, Namjoon was sleeping in Jin's arm's. Today was the day they were gonna drive all the way to America. The house they use to live in was sold almost immediately, but they were happy.

They didn't tell Namjoon what was going on yet. They figured why not tell him when they get to there new home.

When Namjoon woke up that morning he was confused to why the room he was in was so empty.


Namjoon looked around the room and quickly shot out of the bed he was laying down in. He looked around tiredly before rubbing his eyes. He yawned and slowly got off the bed.

Namjoon walked out of the room and looked both ways and decided to go downstairs. When he headed that way he slowed down because he heard talking.

"Should I give him the shot while he's still sleeping?" One voice asked.

"No, lets wait."


"Because if we give him the shot now then we won't be able to tell if he is dead or alive."

Namjoon eyes widen. His breathing picked up and he started taking steps back.

Someone scoffed from behind him. "What are you doing?" They asked and put their hands on their hips.

Namjoon froze and closed his eyes tightly. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath before opening his eyes. "N-nothing."

"Really?" The voice asked.

Namjoon couldn't tell who it was because he heard his heartbeat more then the person speaking.

"Because it looks like you were eavesdropping." The same voice said.

Namjoon shook his head and slowly turned around. He was face to face with Jimin. "I-I wasn't I swear." He said in a shaky voice.

Jimin crossed his arms and looked at Namjoon. "Don't lie." He said. "I don't like liars." He took a few steps forward making Namjoon back up. "In fact." He paused and pushed Namjoon against the wall.

Namjoon gasped and quickly put his hands on Jimin's chest trying to push him back. He turned his head so his face wasn't so close to Jimin's. He sucked in a shaky breath when he felt Jimin's breath on his ear.

Jimin looked at Namjoon with dark eyes and said, "I hate them." He whispered in Namjoon's ear.

Namjoon nodded. "W-who wouldn't?" He shuttered-ly asked. He then heard footsteps trailing up the stairs, he widen his eyes and tried to escape from Jimin's hold between Jimin and the wall.

"Oh it's you guys. What are you doing making out?" Hoseok asked before he continued. "Shouldn't you guys at least wait till we get to America?" He asked.

Namjoon looked at Hoseok. "What?" He looked back at Jimin. "What does he m-mean by that?" He asked Jimin and gulped. Are they letting me go so they can go to America!? He thought to himself, he felt a wave of happiness and relief blow through his body, and that feeling gave him light chills.

Jimin groaned while titling his head back before turning around and facing Hoseok. "Man you weren't suppose to say anything!" He said in a loud tone.

Hoseok's jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. "Oops." He said innocently, "I forgot." He shrugged. "It's fine. Who cares?"

Jimin stared back at Hoseok. "Your my hyung and I have respect for you, but you can be the greatest idiot there is." He said, he turned back and grabbed Namjoon by wrapping his hand around the back of his neck and harshly pulling him forward.

Namjoon gasped before he tripped but caught himself. He looked at Jimin then back at Hoseok with panicked breathing and scared eyes. "What are you-" But Namjoon was cut off when Hoseok quickly stepped forward and injected the shot into Namjoon.

Namjoon fell to his knees cause the pain in his neck hurt. He let out a painful cry when he felt the needle of the shot go deeper into his skin.

Hoseok slowly pushed onto the back of the shot. He held Namjoon by his shoulder so he wouldn't hit the ground.

Jin sighed and walked out his old room, he looked up at the two boys in the hallway. "You guys ready?' He asked, and when he saw Namjoon he looked back up at the two other males.

"What the hell happened!?" Jin ran up to them before pushing Jimin and Hoseok out of the way and kneeled down next to Namjoon. He caught Namjoon as he was about to fall back.

Jin groaned, he had a bad headache and seeing Namjoon like this didn't help.

"Hyung we-" Jimin got cut off by Jin speaking then shaking his head.

"Nevermind." Jin sighed. "Just leave and Hoseok get the truck started for me."

Hoseok nodded. He and Jimin left Jin alone in the hallway with Namjoon.

They must've gave you the shot. Jin thought because he saw a tiny red mark on Namjoon neck. He wiped it with his forefinger and, yup. They gave you the shot.


Jin sat Namjoon on Yoongi's lap and opened his drivers seat door. He slipped inside the vehicle and pulled his seatbelt on.

Jin looked into the review mirror and saw Jungkook helping Yoongi buckle Namjoon in. He nodded and looked ahead at the driveway. If he were being honest he hated the home they were leaving, and he didn't really know why. But he just hated it anyway.

Yoongi's phone rang cutting Jin's thoughts off. Yoongi looked at the caller ID before answering the call. "Hey what's up?"

While Yoongi was doing that, no one was sitting in the passenger seat in Jin's truck which surprised him because everyone always fought over that seat. Why aren't they fighting for it now? Whatever. Jin thought and yelled out his window for Hoseok to lead the way to there new house.

This is gonna be a long ride. Jin thought before he drove right after Hoseok.


"Yeah, you guys better hurry, because my partner is heading that way." Woozi said into the phone.

Yoongi sighed before telling Woozi to hold on. He turned to Jungkook and told him to call Hoseok and speed up his driving. He then turned to Jin and told him the same thing. "Anything else?" Yoongi asked.

"Not really." Woozi replied before he remembered something. "Oh and the keys to you guys house is with the neighbor." He said. "They'll help you guys from there and they'll also have your licenses and ID's. And when you guys cross the border or whatever, go to the third lane and tell them who you are. They'll let you in. Do that with every border you cross." Woozi said. "Tell Jin to show them his tattoo and have Hoseok do the same thing."

Yoongi nodded with the phone still to his ear. "It sucks we have to drive." Yoongi said and saw Jin nod.

"Indeed." Jin mumbled.

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't really pull any strings to get you guys on a plane or private jet." He sighed and pushed his hair back. "Namjoon is on the news so it's impossible to go out in public like that and not get caught." He grabbed his pen and tapped it against the desk he was seated at.

Yoongi hummed. "Thanks again hyung." He said and the could see Woozi smiling, he groaned. "Don't be weird about it." He said and smiled.

"Okay." Woozi said. "Love you bro. Bye."

Yoongi nodded. "Bye."


Finally! Idk that took longer then usual. Sorry if there are any mistakes.

Bye bye <3

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