•Chapter 11•

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Namjoon flew back and hit the ground pretty hard. As much as his body hurt to him it felt like he nearly died. He let out a cry before he was turned over onto his stomach by a hard kick.

"Taehyung! Seriously you guys need to fucking calm down!" Jin yelled before he got to his knees next to Namjoon and tried to help him up only to see him cough blood. That caught the three's attention, and Taehyung along with Jungkook quickly got to there knees.

"Shit." Jin said before he pushed Taehyung. "Cause of you, you fucking idiot! Go get a bowl, glass of water, and a towel."

Taehyung got up and jogged away, heading to get the supplies.

"Jungkook help me get him up and on the couch." Jin was going to pick him up, but Jungkook told him he can do it.

Jungkook turned Namjoon onto his back and lifted him up. He heard Namjoon groan before he heard a quiet, "Ow."

Jungkook walked over to the couch and layed Namjoon down gently. When he looked up he saw Taehyung coming back with the stuff Jin told him to get. He also saw him coming back with company.

Jungkook cursed in his head when he saw Yoongi. This is it. This is how Tae, Namjoon, and I die.

Yoongi walked up to Namjoon and sat down next to his body. He noticed Namjoon's arm was over his eyes, yet he managed to make out the tears that were flowing down the side of his face. He sighed before he told someone to clean the blood up.

Namjoon flinched when he heard Yoongi speak. He closed his legs when he felt a hand on his thigh.

"Namjoon remove your arm from your face."

Namjoon let out a shaky sigh then slowly shook his head. "Mm mm." He hummed just wanting Yoongi to get the idea that he doesn't want anything to do with him.

Jimin on the other hand understood that Namjoon didn't want them around at all. How did he know this? Well it's obvious, Namjoon was clearly shaking and Jimin noticed when he's nervous, scared, or in pain he bites his bottom lip. And that's exactly what Namjoon was doing.

Yoongi sighed letting Namjoon have his way for a little while. He told Jimin to go get another rag so he could clean Namjoon's bloody lip and cheek from coughing (and also from biting his bottom lip so much), but Taehyung said he had another rag and then tossed it to Yoongi.

Yoongi looked down at Namjoon and grabbed his arm.

Namjoon flinch and let out a scared gasp before opening his eyes and looking at Yoongi. He tugged his arm back but Yoongi wouldn't let go.

"C'mon sit up." Yoongi said pulling Namjoon's arm toward him, but Namjoon pulled his arm back. He let out an annoyed huff. "Quit acting like a fucking kid Namjoon and sit up!"

Namjoon sat up and yelled back, "I wouldn't be acting like a fucking kid if you guys hadn't raped me!" He then felt more tears burn his eyes and he kicked Yoongi away despite how much it hurted his bottom. "Why did you guys fucking do that!? What did I ever do to deserve all this shit I get from you guys!?" He looks at each and everyone of them with tears leaving his eyes. "Why are you doing all this!? What do you fucking want from me!? W-why-" He sobbed before he continued speaking. "Why c-cant I ju-just g-go home?" He fell to his knees from sitting on the couch, he didn't want to fall back so he drifted his body to fall forward.

They all stood there and looked at Namjoon crying on his knees with his head hanging down low and his shoulders shaking.

"I w-want to...to g-go home. Please." Namjoon begged, he really wanted to go home and feel the comfort of his Dad. "I-ill do a-anything, i-i pr-promise not to tell a-anyone what happened. Just please let me go home."

They stared at him in total shock. Just the way Namjoon begged made their hearts break.

"We can't let you go-" Yoongi started but was cut off by Namjoon.

"Doesn't matter." Namjoon said, trying his best to control his sobs. "M-my Dad and..and Chanyeol know I've been kidnapped by you fucking lunatics, so they'll simply go to the police and tell them I'm here. In the matter of fact I bet that police are on their way." He chuckled before he continued. "I hope you assholes suffer in prison."

There was a moment of silence but it was broken when Yoongi scoffed. "Do you really think the police haven't already looked here? They did." He harshly said as him and the others stared down at Namjoon. "In the matter of fact-" He mocked. "They came here two days ago. Looking for you. And all they know is Namjoon isn't fucking here."

Yoongi was satisfied when Namjoon clutched the pants he was wearing. He squatted to Namjoon's height. "And guess what." He waited for Namjoon to answer, but he didn't. So he grabbed Namjoon's chin and made him look up at him.

Namjoon flinched and avoided looking into Yoongi's eyes. "What?" He said quietly.

Yoongi smirked, he liked how scared Namjoon was. It was addicting. He licked his own lips before he spoke, happy to say the next few words. "Their never coming back. And your never going back."

Namjoon immediately pushed Yoongi back with rage and yelled, "What the fuck do you want from me!?" He quickly got up to his feet and was about to turn and run away but Jin grabbed him by the waist and pulled him back. "Let me go!"

Namjoon swung his legs kicking anybody who tried to hold them.

"Jin take him to Taehyung's room!" Yoongi yelled while still on the floor. He had to admit when Namjoon pushed him it hurted.

"No your not taking me anywhere!" Namjoon slapped and punched at Jin's arms that were around his waist. Tears welled up in his eyes, he was scared shitless. He was scared that he'll never go home. He was scared that the police already gave up and stopped looking for him. He was scared his friends didn't care that he was gone. He was scared his Dad didn't care and stopped looking. He was scared because it's been two days since this has all happened. Tears spilled from his eyes. He wanted this all to be a bad nightmare he can wake up from.

"J-Jin put me down!" Namjoon yelled trying really hard to get out of his grip.

Jin ignored the younger and took him to Taehyung's room. He knew what was going to happen to Namjoon and if he were being honest. He was scared for him, Taehyung was the roughest and heartless one when it came to punishments. And that was exactly what Namjoon was gonna get.

A punishment.


Oof sorry.

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