•Chapter 25•

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Namjoon woke up before Jimin did, and he felt like he was sweating. He looked up and was face to face with a sleeping Jimin, snoring lightly. He gulped and grabbed Jimin's forearm before lifting it and laying it between his and Jimin's body.

Namjoon let out a shaky breath and gently pushed the blanket above him off. It was quite dark in the room he was in, but some light came from under the closed door, so he slowly got up and walked that direction with wide eyes thinking he would see his surroundings better that way. But being Namjoon he tripped over his two feet and hit his injured leg on the ground making a loud thud sound.

Namjoon shut his eyes tightly and quietly hissed, not only at the pain but the fear of getting caught by Jimin.

But Jimin didn't wake up which gave Namjoon relief, and to let go of the breath he was holding.

Namjoon stayed still for a few seconds, before he got up and limped his way forward to the door. He touched around the door trying to touch for the door nob. Once he got his hand on it he turned nob and slowly opened the door.

Namjoon stepped out of the room and was confused. Am I in the right house? He questioned himself and looked back at Jimin. What the hell. He thought before closing the door behind him. He looked down the hallway and took slow, hesitant steps forward.

Namjoon gulped. Maybe I'm on the different side of the house. He thought before he made it to a staircase. He tilted his head, seriously what the hell. Where am I? Namjoon's eyes looked to the left before looking at the right. His grip on the staircase tighten, he felt scared and vulnerable, he also felt the need to call out for someone so he did.

"J-jin?" Namjoon stuttered out loudly, hoping Jin heard him, or anyone of the boys. He heard footsteps heading his way, so he looked down at the stairs and took a step forward not wanting to be alone in such a big house he wasn't familiar with.


Namjoon looked up but no one was there. He swallowed a lump in his throat before saying, "I-I'm at the stairs." He said in a quiet voice sounding as vulnerable as he felt.

The footsteps quicken and so did Namjoon's steps down the stairs.

"Namjoon." A voice said and when Namjoon looked up he was met with Yoongi.

"Yoongi." Namjoon said back in relief that he wasn't alone. Oof, I wish I was with Jimin though. He thought before speaking. "What- o-or um where... Are we?" He asked feeling unsure if that's a way to put what he was curious about.

Yoongi looked up at Namjoon and felt a rush of happiness run over his body, he was happy to say the next few words that were gonna come out his mouth. "We're at our new home." He said.

Namjoon looked back at Yoongi and felt twice as confused. "W-wha...?" He gulped and licked his lips, "What do you mean? W-we're at..." He paused before shaking his head, swallowing another lump in his throat and scoffed and ignored the feeling of wanting to cry. "Yoongi what's going on?" He asked wanting the other male to get straight to the point.

Yoongi rose an eyebrow in interest with Namjoon's unexpected sass. He licked his lips as he felt turned on a bit, he looked down and took a few steps up the staircase. "What's going on is..." He took his hands out of his sweatpants pockets before stopping a few feet before the said male and looking up at him. "We live in this house together with Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook." He said and Namjoon was slowly shaking his head no.

Namjoon started to breathe in and out a lot faster than usual. He felt tears sting his eyes but he didn't dare to let them fall. "What?" He asked and squeezed his shirt.

Yoongi nodded and sighed. "Yes I know. This is a lot to take in." He was now standing next to Namjoon holding him so he don't fall.

Namjoon looked down. "I... Yoongi..." He choked out a sob he was trying to hold in and a tear fell.

Yoongi hugged Namjoon and sat down pulling Namjoon to sit on his lap. "It's okay Namjoon." He said trying to calm the boy down. "But don't worry Joonie." He whispered in his ear. "We'll take good care of you and we'll love you no matter what."

Namjoon only cried harder hearing the words Yoongi was saying. He didn't want to be loved and taken care of by the guys that would seem to hurt him without hesitation. He sobbed and clutched onto Yoongi's shirt. "Y-yoongi please-" He coughed before sniffling and looking up at Yoongi. "Let me go." He said causing Yoongi to pout.

Yoongi wiped Namjoon's tears away with his thumb. "My poor baby," He mumbled before pushing Namjoon's head back into his neck, and sucking on his thumb to taste Namjoon's tears. "It's okay, don't worry a'right?" He gently rocked side to side before he continued to speak. "You'll get use to us in no time, and before you know it, you'll love us the way we love you, okay?"

Yoongi tilted his head to look at Namjoon, he lifted Namjoon's head back up with his forefinger and thumb. "Okay?" He repeated.

Love is a strong word. Namjoon though but looked away to the ground, but Yoongi wasn't having it so he grabbed his chin not to harshly, yet not to gently causing Namjoon to whimper with his lips jutted out because of the way Yoongi was holding his chin

"Okay?" Yoongi said through gritted teeth, he made eye contact with Namjoon for a moment before looking down at his lips. He gulped, not bothering to stay focus. All I have to do is lean in... But his thoughts were cut off right after Namjoon said a quiet okay.

Namjoon blinked his doe eyes that were glistening beautifully from his tears when he saw Yoongi was looking at his lips still. "Um..."

Yoongi gulped and held Namjoon tighter by his waist. "Namjoon," He whispered.

Namjoon was so caught of guard with the way Yoongi was acting ever since he pouted. He gulped once again but answered Yoongi with a whimper which was supposed to be a hum.

Yoongi opened his mouth to breathe out tiny puffs of air before he said what caught Namjoon off more then ever. "Can I kiss you?"


My neck hurts 😂 lol

But um, while dis book is blah blah blahing I am gonna do another book.

Pwease pwease pwease wead it. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I beg you. Ish gonna be Minjoon and ofc ish alsho gonna be bottom joonie.

Uhhh, I'm gonna post dat intro thingy at 4 so ya

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Uhhh, I'm gonna post dat intro thingy at 4 so ya...

Sorry for any mistakes.

Kk bye <3

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