•Chapter 5•

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Namjoon stood there eye-winded and shocked. Also scared.

"U-uh I- hi- hi- or um- yeah?- or what?" Namjoon mentally slapped himself for stuttering so much. He really just wanted to die right then and there. Or slam the door in Jung Hoseok's face. But he didn't, like what does he want, or why is he here, or how the hell does he know where he lives?!

"Hey." Hoseok smiled which really freaked Namjoon out.

"Hi." Namjoon was still trying to process what was happening.

"Were you sleeping?"

Namjoon stepped back and looked at the mirror next to the coat hanger. His hair was messy, jacket and shirt hanging off his shoulder which caused him to blush.

Namjoon pulled his shirt and jacket up so his neck and shoulder bone  weren't showing. He then shook his head lightly, enough to get his hair where it should be.

Namjoon then turned his attention to a chuckling Hoseok.

"N-no. I- I wasnt s-sleeping." Namjoon looked down fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"Really?" Hoseok bented down trying to make eye contact with Namjoon. (A/N: Namjoon is as tall as Jimin in this ff)

Namjoon hesitated before looking up to make eye-contact for a second then breaking it. "Why are you here?"

"Oh right!" Hoseok then stood up all the way. "Um I came here-" Namjoon cut him off.

"Do you have my bag?"

Hoseok was taken back by Namjoon cutting him off. "No I don't have your fucking bag, and don't cut me off!" Hoseok barked at Namjoon and realized he had Namjoon backed up against the door, blocking him from going anywhere.

Namjoon's lips were quivering with beads of tears already falling. "I-im sorry just pl-please don't hurt m-me."

Hoseok backed away from Namjoon.
"Get dressed and stop acting like a fucking cry baby, man the hell up."

Namjoon wiped his tears and licked his lips. "W-why?"

Hoseok looked at Namjoon. "Because your a guy-"

Namjoon cleared his throat before speaking. "S-sorry for cutting you o-off again, but not that. Why should I get dressed?"

Hoseok smiled at Namjoon stuttering then his smile disappeared immediately when Namjoon looked up at him. "Because I said so!"

Namjoon flinched at Hoseok raising his voice.

Then a smirk appeared on Hoseok's face. He slowly took steps forward to Namjoon while saying, "Unless... you want me to change you."

Namjoon's eyes widen. He was gonna push pass Hoseok, but Hoseok grabbed Namjoon's wrists and pinned his hands above his head. He whimpered at the tight grip Hoseok had on his wrists.

"That's not so nice."

Namjoon struggled in Hoseok's grip making both of their body's rub against each other causing him to blush. "L-let go of m-me pl-please!"

"When I let go of you. You better-"

Namjoon wouldn't stop moving so Hoseok grabbed Namjoon's jaw with his free hand forcing Namjoon to make eye-contact.

"Stop fucking moving!"

Namjoon chocked on a sob making eye-contact with Hoseok.

Hoseok took that as an 'okay you can speak and I'll stop moving'.

"Okay, when I let go of you, you are going to go up stairs and change so we can leave. Okay?"

Namjoon just stared into Hoseok's eyes almost making him blush.

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