•Chapter 33•

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I'm posting again because I hated the last chapter as much as u did


Namjoon yawned and opened his eyes. He felt something or someone was back hugging him. He froze as he remembered what happened the night before. He didn't know how to process it all, he was not only angered with himself but he was embarrassed.

Namjoon closed his eyes tightly and shook his head. He looked up and saw there was another body laying in front of him and he widen his eyes. Am I in my room? He thought to himself before looking up and seeing a very large mirror above him. Well this is clearly not my room, he thought and heard Monnie bark.

Namjoon's eyes widen even more before he heard the same tiny bark. Oh fuck, he thought as his heart started to race. Please don't wake up. He gulped and moved the arm around his waist away from him before he heard another bark. "Goddamn it Monnie." He whispered getting slightly scared. "Be quiet." He mumbled to himself quietly.

Namjoon then managed to get out of the blankets he was under before he tipped-toed to the door, not bothering to see what the room had looked like, he hear Monnie bark still. When he opened the door the barks got louder making him close his eyes tightly and step out of the room immediately.

Monnie barked and jumped up, wagging his tail, feeling happy to finally see his owner.

Namjoon glared at him before crouching down. "I could have died if someone woke up besides me." He said pointing a finger at Monnie, but Monnie jumped up and cutely clawed at Namjoon.

Namjoon frowned and pulled away. "Your being scolded and this is how you act?" He said with his hands on hips looking a lot like a mother.

Monnie barked again making Namjoon flinch before quickly picking him up. When he did, he felt Monnie's stomach rumble and make a sound.

Namjoon arched an eyebrow. "Your hungry aren't you." He said and then his own stomach growled. "Oof, so am I." He said. "Let's go to the kitchen and eat some sandwiches." He whispered before walking away.

Namjoon sat Monnie on the ground and opened the refrigerator. He bent over and put his palm on his knee before looking inside seeing there was a lot of food and drinks. He sighed and nodded hearing his stomach making some sounds of hunger. He quickly grabbed some ham, cheese, mayo, lettuce, and tomatoes along with bread.

Namjoon then grabbed two plates and started making a sandwich on one plate. After he was done he grabbed a knife and cut the sandwich in half making triangles. He smiled before putting half a sandwich on one plate, he then put it down onto the ground infront of Monnie.

Monnie quickly started eating the sandwich.

Namjoon smiled and ruffled Monnie's head before he put all the food away, he then put the knife into the sink before sitting down and eating. I should get some water. He thought and looked down at Monnie thinking he was probably thirsty too.

Namjoon nodded and got up before he looked around in the cabinets finding a red bowl and one cup. He smiled feeling lucky, before he turned the sink on and filled the cup and bowl with water.

Monnie barked and wagged his tail, he clawed at Namjoon's legs hurting him, but Namjoon smiled ignoring the pain. He then turned around and walked to his seat before sitting down Monnie's water next to his plate with his half eaten sandwich sitting upon the plate.

"Here you go." Namjoon whispered. Then sat down and took a sip of his water. He sat his cup down and grabbed his sandwich, he was about to take a bite but heard a deep voice whispering in his ear making him jump.

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