•Chapter 14•

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Lol sorry for not updating in awhile. I think it was awhile, I honestly don't remember. I was planning on updating like at 12 but then I got caught up in Bangbangcon then right after I watched Lady Gaga and Melanie Martinez, oof Alejandro by Gaga is soooo inappropriate I was like, daaaaaaamn. Anyway on with the story 😂


Namjoon sat there happily eating the pizza Jin served him. He ignored the stares he got from everybody around the table because it made him incredibly uncomfortable. Everyone was oddly quiet and that bothered Namjoon.

Namjoon took a bite of the pizza but didn't notice the sauce that was smudged on his cheek and lip. He swallowed the pizza after chewing it, but then he suddenly flinched when he felt a hand wipe his face. He looked at the owner of the hand (A/N: that sounds funny) and saw it was Hoseok.

Hoseok stared back at Namjoon before licking the sauce off his thumb. He then sucked at his thumb softly and stared intensively into Namjoon's eyes. "You had some sauce on your face." He said trying to act cool. He loved the way everyone's attention was on him and Namjoon. Is that...jealousy lingering in the air? He thought to himself and turned back into his seat properly.

Namjoon looked at Hoseok before gulping. He gently placed his pizza onto the plate then stood up from his seat, quickly catching everybody's attention. "U-um m-may I use the bathroom?" He asked while looking down at his feet and fiddling with his fingers.

At that Jungkook immediately got up and volunteered to take him to the bathroom. He ignored the stares of his hyungs and told Namjoon to follow him.

Namjoon trailed behind Jungkook with with a little limp in each step he took. He licked his lips thinking about the taste of the pizza he ate. That was amazing pizza.

"We're here." Jungkook said.

Namjoon looked up, already? He nodded. "Okay." He walked into the bathroom but then he felt a hand on his shoulder stop him.

"Don't do anything stupid either." Jungkook said looking at the back of Namjoon's head. He saw Namjoon nod.

"I w-won't do anything stupid." Namjoon felt the hand on his shoulder leave and when it did he limped forward and closed the bathroom door before locking it.


"What the hell was that hyung?" Jimin asked angry at what his hyung did.

"Who you talking to?" Yoongi questioned.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Obviously Jin." He said sarcastically.

Jin looked up with food in his mouth. "Wha di I fo?" He asked and quickly chewed his food.

"You idiots he was talking about Hoseok." Taehyung said and took a sip from his soda.

"Yah!" Jin and Yoongi said at the same time." Have some respect you little shit-"

"What did I do?" Hoseok asked but he knew what he did. He just wanted to play dumb because he thought pissed mochi was adorable. They all did.

"Don't play dumb hyung. Why the hell do you-" Jimin pointed his index finger at Hoseok. "-get to do that to Namjoon after telling us not do anything to him."

Hoseok sat back in his chair comfortably and crossed his arms. "Is someone jealous?" He smirked and loved the look Jimin gave him.

"Pff jealous?" Jimin sat forward in his chair and sat his elbows on the table before leaning in and looking at Hoseok. "Damn right I am."

Hoseok leaned in the same way Jimin did and kept strong eye contact. "Good." He whispered. "Because your jealousy won't end there." He said and then leaned back in his chair in the same position from before.

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