•Chapter 4•

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"Your up early." Namjoon's Dad was sitting at the table with papers scattered all over the place, and his laptop placed in front of him. Along with his coffee.

"Yeah..." Namjoon yawned and sat on the chair next to his Dad.

Namjoon's Dad took a sip of his coffee before looking at Namjoon. "What's up?"

Namjoon yawned again. "Can I not go to school today?"

Namjoon's Dad looked up from his laptop and took his glasses off. "Are you not feeling well?" His Dad stood up from his chair to feel Namjoon's head.

"No, no I'm fine, but can I not got out school?"

Namjoon's Dad sat back down.

You see it was unusual for Namjoon to ask if he could stay home on school days because Namjoon would say he loves school, but the truth was he hated it. He only lied because that's what his father wanted to hear. Nott hat his Dad knew he was lying.

"Um yeah sure. But why?" Namjoon's Dad folded his hands together and looked at Namjoon.

"Well, I have gym today, and my ankle has been hurting for the past few days."

It was true. Well the reason his ankle was hurting was because Jin (his bully) stomped on his ankle when he was beating him up.

"And your just now telling me?"

"Yeah, I mean I didn't want to make make big deal of it because of your hectic schedule these days."

Namjoon actually didn't want to be a burden to his father, that's why he didn't say anything.

Namjoon's Dad took a sip of his coffee. "Well you want me to take you to the hospital later to see if it's anything serious?"

Namjoon thought for a second before he answered. " Yeah sure."

"Okay. While your waiting then. Why don't you go get more rest 'cause we might have to leave at 10 or 11."

Namjoon got up from his seat and nodded saying, "Okay." Then he headed up to his room.

-Time Skip-

"Hello again Namjoon." The doctor sat across Namjoon and his Dad.

Namjoon only mumbled a 'hi'.

"Okay, so your ankle is nothing serious. But I wish you cake in sooner."

Namjoon looked up from the ground. "Why? You said it was nothing serious."

The doctor looked up from his clipboard and said, "You lost a lot of weight..again-"

"How is this related to his ankle?!" Namjoons Dad cut off the doctor before he can continue the sentence he hear a million times already.

"Sir are you aware of your sons health?"

"Of course I am! But we didn't come here to discuss his weight, let alone his health!" Namjoons Dad hated it when doctors did this. Bringing up things that weren't related to what he was at the hospital for.

"But sir-"

Namjoons Dad cut the doctor off once more. "No. You know what can you just give us the medicine that would help with his ankle and excuse for school tomorrow or whatever."

Namjoon was gonna say something but the doctor spoke before he did.
"Mr. Kim your son has anorexia."

Then the room when silent.

Namjoon could believe what he hear.

Great... Another disorder for people to feel sorry for me. Why the hell anorexia?

Cuts and Razors NamjoonxBTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now