•Chapter 3•

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It's been a few days after what happened between Namjoon and Yoongi.

Namjoon couldn't help but ask himself 'did Yoongi care?' That question would always catch him off guard.

Yoongi told his friends what happened between him and Namjoon. Ever since then that haven't bothered him AS MUCH.

"What the hell I told you to do my homework." Jungkook slapped Namjoon on the head.

"I d-did b-but I didn't b-bring it." Namjoon then felt a punch to his stomach, then a yank at his hair. He hissed at the pain he was receiving from Jungkook. Tears already running down Namjoon's cheeks.

Jungkook just stared at Namjoon. He ended up letting go of Namjoon's hair and left saying "dumbass."

Namjoon slowly slid down the wall. Once his bottom hit the ground he closed his eyes and bit his lip to stop crying. He was in the hallway, and class was about to end in 6 minuets  but Namjoon could careless.

Namjoon let his head lay against the wall. He was honestly tired of all this. Everything. Emotionally,  physically, and mentally.

Then he remembered he had his razor. He took the razor from his pocket.

Namjoon bought new razors after Yoongi took his other one, 'cause sadly that was his last razor. Namjoon rolled up his sleeve and started to cut.

One cut.... Dumbass

Another cut..... Useless

Then another cut..... Nothing

Namjoon went on like that for awhile before hearing the school bell ring. Namjoon pulled his sleeve back down then got up and walked away to his next class which was on the other side of the school.

-Time skip-

It was the end of the school day which meant he was gonna walk home. Alone. Like always.

"Alright bye." Namjoon waved to the two of his friends.

"Call us later Joonie." Baekhyun said as he was hugging his boyfriend.

"I'll think about it." Was all Namjoon said before walking away.

Namjoon was lost in his thoughts  he was crossing the road without looking both ways. Then suddenly he was almost hit by a big truck.

Namjoon flinched and yelled a quick "Sorry!" Hopefully loud enough for the driver to hear.


Jin was driving and looked back at the boys to see them arguing. "Guys shut up! I'm driving!" He couldn't focus on driving when he heard arguing from the 95 liners.

Hoseok, who was sitting in the passenger seat was looking at his phone, noticed Jin turn around, so he looked up from his phone. "Jin! WATCH OUT!"

Jin turned back and stomped on the breaks closing his eyes and pushing himself in the seat, making everyone hit their head.

Everyone was quiet. That's when the heard a 'Sorry!'

Jin was the first one to get out of the truck, and once he did he saw Namjoon, and Namjoon saw him.

Namjoon widen his eyes and made a run for it. He didn't want to get a beaten because of his stupidity.

As he ran he heard truck doors open then close, and footsteps after him.

Jungkook being the fastest caught up to Namjoon, and reached for his bag.
"Nam-joon!" He grabbed Namjoon's bag, but in Namjoon's defense he took off his bag when he felt Jungkook tug on it.

Cuts and Razors NamjoonxBTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now