•Chapter 29•

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Blah, I am way to freaking lazy to update man. So I'm sorry if dis chapter is shit.


Yoongi closed his room door and sat on his bed waiting for Namjoon to knock. And before he knew it a knock was heard against his door. "Come in!" He yelled out.

Namjoon opened the room door and walked in.

Yoongi looked up. "What do you want?" He asked.

"The puppy." Namjoon said.

"At least give it a name." Yoongi said before laying down against his pillow with the puppy resting on his stomach.

"I don't know what to name him though..." Namjoon said and tugged his shirt down to hide his thighs.

Yoongi noticed what Namjoon did and invited him to sit on his bed.

Namjoon hesitantly took the offer and sat at the edge on the bed. "May I have him back?" He asked.

Yoongi sighed and tossed a pillow to Namjoon when he saw that the male was still tugging at his shirt. "No, he's sleeping." He said and looked down at the puppy. He softly pet between it's eyes. "Just relax." He said and crossed his legs.

Namjoon pouted but sighed and nodded anyway, yet he still sat there.


Namjoon looked away. "Yoongi." He said awkwardly.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Come sit next to me." He said patting the empty space of the other side do the bed.

Namjoon bit his bottom lip and got up before walking on the other side of the bed to sit next to Yoongi. He sighed and sat down, putting the pillow behind him.

Yoongi nodded and decided to bring up a conversation. "So, what do you plan on naming him," He asked.

Namjoon shrugged. "I was thinking about Monnie." He said and looked down playing with the end of his shirt.

Yoongi chuckled and turned his head to look at Namjoon. "How did you come up with such a name?" He asked.

Namjoon blushed and shrugged again. "I don't know. It just came to me." He said.

Yoongi nodded understanding. He looked back down to look at the puppy. "Yeah, he looks like a Monnie if I'm being honest." He said before looking back up at Namjoon. "I think it's a cute name for him." He said and smiled with his mouth closed.

Namjoon nodded and blushed again before looking away acting like he found the wall interesting. "I guess we found his name." He said and licked his lips to distract himself that he was blushing.

Yoongi nodded. "It suits him well." He nodded and gently picked the puppy up before sitting it down between him and Namjoon with ease.

Namjoon looked down about to graduate the puppy but saw it was sleeping peacefully. He smiled and bent down to kiss it's head.

Yoongi smiled at the sight and tilted his head in awe and adoration. He cleared his throat looking away. "You wanna watch a movie?" He asked but he actually wanted to apologize to Namjoon for everything he had done to the male. That's the whole reason to why he took his puppy in the first place and led him there in his room alone.

Namjoon looked up at Yoongi in surprise. "U-uhm. I..." Namjoon looked down and saw the puppy had been awakened by his voice. So he picked up the tiny animal and he also got up from the bed. "Actually I'm g-gonna go to my r-room." He said and turned to walk away.

Yoongi quickly turned to look in his direction, he then got up and pushed the door close when Namjoon was about to open it. "Wait." He said in a deep voice giving Namjoon the chills. "Stay," He said in a quiet voice. "Please." He whispered. "I want to talk to you."

Namjoon looked down and swallowed hard before licking his lips. His hand rested on the doorknob. "Um." His breath hitched when he felt Yoongi's body slightly touch his, so he moved forward and nodded. "O-okay I'll stay." He said just wanting to be away from Yoongi in the position he was in.

Yoongi nodded and turned Namjoon around making the said male confused.

Namjoon gulped and looked at Yoongi's necklace. He was to afraid to ask what the older was doing so at that moment he tried his best to trust him.

Yoongi looked down at Namjoon and blinked. This reminded him about what happened in the bathroom stall of his old school. He shook his head and looked to the side for a second before looking back at Namjoon. He gulped and licked his lips not realizing what he was doing.

Namjoon moved himself back as Yoongi leaned into him. He held his puppy in one arm and pushed Yoongi back with the other. "Y-yoongi." He said and moved back more causing himself to be in the corner, trapped by the door, wall, and Yoongi. "Wh-what are you doing?" He asked.

Yoongi opened his eyes not remembering when he closed them. He looked at Namjoon's lips as swallowed hard and his breaths quickened. "Namjoon." He said and gulped again. He made a fist against the wall as he tried so hard to not grab Namjoon's face and kiss him.

"Yoongi." Namjoon said as his breaths started to quicken also.

"Can I kiss you?" Yoongi asked. He suddenly felt a rush of, possessiveness run over him. He fists got tighter against the wall and door as he shifted to lean on one leg then the other.

Namjoon gulped. "Yoongi-"

Yoongi brought his hand down to grip onto Namjoon's shirt right next to his waist. "Namjoon please." He said and bit onto his bottom lip getting anxious and frustrated at Namjoon for not letting him kiss him yet. He started to lean down looking at Namjoon's plump pink lips with hunger. "I'm gonna kiss you okay." He said not waiting for an answer as he smashed his lips onto Namjoon's.


Cliffhanger because I can do that.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Anywho byeeeeeee <3

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