•Chapter 32•

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This is a long ass fucking chapter.


"Namjoon your making this a lot more worse then it already is." Jimin said as he sat on the far corner of the bed because Monnie kept barking at him,  freaking him out.

Namjoon sobbed and hugged the pillow he had to his chest harder as Monnie sat by his side eyeing Jimin and Taehyung. "C-cant you g-guys j-j-just not feed me for a few days o-or something." He sobbed out.

Taehyung shook his head with his hands on his hips. "Namjoon..." He sighed and rubbing his forehead before putting his hands back on his hips. "You, you just have to trust us okay? I know it seems scary but it's nothing like what I did to you, I promise." He said looking at Namjoon with sincere eyes.

Namjoon looked down and made eye contact with Monnie. He swallowed hard before shaking his head again and closing his eyes. "I-" He paused to breath in and out to calm down so he don't stutter. "I- I don't want to do that." He said to afraid to look up so he kept his eyes shut with his head down.

Jimin sighed and so did Taehyung.

"Namjoon..." Jimin started. His eyes showed worry looking at Namjoon. Of course Jimin, Taehyung, Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Yoongi didn't want to punish him. But what he did was quite unacceptable to all of them. Besides Taehyung and Hoseok, those two immediately forgave him, but if they were being honest they wanted to have a little part on punishing Namjoon. Not a whole lot, just a little bit, Jungkook too.

Namjoon opened his eyes and when he did he had to blink the blurriness away. He lightly coughed and wiped his tears away.

"Namjoon c'mon, I am telling you the truth, it won't be bad I promise." Jimin spoke and looked up at Taehyung mouthing the words, "Do something."

Taehyung nodded and licked his lips. "If we don't hurry we won't be easy on you." Taehyung said and earned a glare from Jimin. "What?" He whispered.

Jimin rolled his eyes about to speak but Namjoon did before him.

"H-how can I trust y-you guys?" He asked and sniffled, before clutching the pillow case.

Jimin widen his eyes, surprised with Namjoon's words, he stammered before looking at Taehyung then back at Namjoon. "We'll stop when you tell us to." He quickly said and it was the truth. They didn't plan on hurting him the way Taehyung did, or they wouldn't necessarily call it hurt, but what Taehyung did was just a warning that if he did something unremarkably stupid he would get it very badly.

Namjoon let his mind process everything we was told and everything he had to do. Although he was scared, but he was more scared at the fact that if he didn't give in then they would do something beyond imaginary.

Namjoon sighed, slightly shaking. He licked his lips dragging his bottom lip between his teeth before he nodded. "O-okay." He stuttered. "I- I'll do it."

Jimin's eyes sparkled in excitement.

Taehyung nodded. "Okay, c'mon." He said and turned to Jimin. "Go tell them we'll be waiting in the room." He said.

Jimin nodded. "Okay." He said and walked away to get his hyungs and Jungkook.

Namjoon got up and so did Monnie, that made him smile because he thought it was adorable, but he shook his and ruffled Monnie's hair. "I have to go baby." He whispered and Monnie whined putting his ears back.

Namjoon kissed his head before turning around and walking towards Taehyung. He ignored the scared feeling he had.

Taehyung turned around walking away. "Follow me." He said walking down the hallway to the other side of the long hall.

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