•Chapter 7•

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Namjoon groaned and turned over, once he did he was met with bright light.

The curtains were open.

Namjoon adjusted his eyes to the brightness. Why the hell are the curtains open? Once Namjoon's eyes were adjusted he looked at his surroundings. His eyes widen when he noticed he wasn't in his room, so that meant that last nights events were real. It wasn't a nightmare. He thought to himself.

Namjoon got out of the bed he was in and looked down at the carpet, as he did he noticed that he wasn't in the clothes he was in last night. He saw that he was in his underwear and a grey shirt that hanged off his shoulder.

Namjoon looked around trying to look for pants, he then saw black sweat pants. Eh, might as well... He grabbed the pants and slipped them on. They were to big on him so he had to hold them up.

After that Namjoon headed out of the room he was in only going where his tired legs took him. He yawned and shook his head so his heavy eyes lids  could open fully.

Namjoon noticed how bright it was compared to how bright it was earlier when he got at the bottom of the staircase.

"Good morning."

Namjoon jumped and he ended up letting go of the pants he was wearing causing them to fall to the floor, and without thinking he quickly bent down and pulled the pants up before saying a barely audible, "Morning." He then heard a deep and raspy chuckle.

Namjoon looked up and saw Hoseok standing a couple of feet away from him.

"Pants to big?" Hoseok asked before he took a sip of whatever it was that was in the mug he was drinking out of. He started taking slow steps to Namjoon with one hand in his sweater pocket and obviously the other hand holding a mug.

Namjoon blushed and looked down nodding a little bit.


Namjoon looked up. "What?"

Hoseok was now standing in front of Namjoon. He leaned in whispering next to his ear. "I said. Cute."

Namjoon looked down once again and bit onto his bottom lip not knowing how to respond to what Hoseok had said.

Hoseok just stated and Namjoon felt it, which then lead Namjoon to stand there awkwardly wanting his stare to leave him.

As for Hoseok. He was standing there looking at Namjoon with a bored expression. "..... Alright!"

Namjoon flinched.

"Lets go to the kitchen, Jin Hyung made something to eat, and you must be hungry."

Namjoon nodded and Hoseok turned around walking away with Namjoon following like a lost puppy. "U-um H-Hoseok what happened l-la-last night?"

"Mmmm.. A lot? I guess." Hoseok turned around to look at Namjoon, but was surprised when Namjoon bumped into him. Gosh.. Was he that close to me?

"S-sorry I-" Before Namjoon could finish his sentence a hand slapped over his mouth.

"You don't remember what happened last night?"

Only a little bit, Namjoon thought to himself, but he just shook his head.

Hoseok took his hand away. "Nevermind, let's just go."

Namjoon looked down and but his lip. Again. It was a habit he had for a looonnnnggggg time, and to him, it seemed impossible to break.

They made it to the kitchen quietly.

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