•Chapter 6•

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Namjoon was sitting on the couch. His legs pressed together, sitting up straight, looking down, and bitting onto his bottom lip with his hands on his lap.

Hoseok was staring at Namjoon feeling guilty and pissed.

They sat in silence, but all you can hear was the clock ticking and Namjoon's sobs. He was crying because he got lied to, scolded, and not to mention but slapped.

"Why Namjoon?"

Namjoon replied with a whimper, looking down at the ground.

"You shouldn't do that to yourself."

Namjoon kept his head down and spoke. "Yeah, and why do you care? It doesn't matter why can't you see that? Just get over it, because I'm fine."

"Look, Namjoon. I'm trying to hold myself back from hurting you despite that I already did earlier, and a million times before that. But you can't do that. It's stupid." Yoongi said that in the most calm voice, and that freaked Namjoon out a lot because he was usually yelling. Well mostly around him.

It was Yoongi's idea to bring Namjoon to their house. And Hoseok was only doing and saying what he was told to do and say.

"C-can you just give me m-my stuff back so I-I-I can go home."

Jin crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. "No."

Namjoon was then again bit into his lip to hold back the sobs that tried to escape his lips, but he couldn't hold back the tears from rushing out of his eyes. He really wanted to go home, and cry into his pillow. And he hasn't even been where he is for more then 10 minutes.

"P-please? I-I j-just want to go home."

Jimin got up from his seat and sat next to Namjoon, rubbing his back.

Namjoon was confused, he flinched when he felt Jimin rubbing his back trying to calm him down. He felt a little comfort, but he was still confused to what his bully was doing.

Jimin was also confused himself.

Namjoon looked up at Jimin with pleading eyes. "P-please I j-just want to go ho-home, I-I don't need my stuff." He lied, of course he needed his stuff, but if him not getting his stuff back meant that he could go home. Then he was gonna lie.

Jimin looked back at him then shook his head. "You can't." He said softly.

Namjoon looked down and bit his lip because he was crying harder. "Wh-why not!? I don't even wanna be here!"

"Well to bad!" Taehyung said before he got slapped in the back of the head by Jin who was now standing behind him.

"Shut up!" Jin whisper-shouted. "Look Namjoon." Jin walked over to Namjoon and sat next to him. "Your gonna stay the night-"

"Why!?" Namjoon looked up at Jin with teary eyes. "Whatever happened to you guys hating me?! Now all of the sudden you actually give a shit about my life and what I do to myself?!"

Namjoon stood up and made and made Jin and Jimin flinch. "I'll show myself out." He was gonna start making his way to the front door, but Jimin quickly grabbed his wrist and stood up.

"Your not going anywhere." Jimin said though gritted teeth.

Namjoon tugged at his wrist making more tears rise up in his eyes because of the pain it was inflicting on his cuts. "You can't make me stay!"

Jimin was gonna speak but Hoseok did before him.

"Well technically you have to." Hoseok took slow steps to Namjoon.

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