•Chapter 38•

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Namjoon rubbed his eyes and yawned. He had just woken up from a nap, and seeing how dark his room was he figured it was nighttime. He felt around his bed trying to look for Monnie and groaned. He's probably laying down on a pile of dirty clothes. He smile thinking how cute Monnie looked the other day when he saw him that way.

Namjoon sat up and his door was opened quietly. He looked up seeing Taehyung. "Oh hey Tae-" He was cut off when he felt something cold against his head. "Wh-what are you-"

"Be quiet. If you make a sound I'll pull the trigger." Taehyung said and pulled something out of his pocket. "The police are here, so if you make a sound I'll pull this trigger Namjoon." He said seriously.

Namjoon gulped. They found me. He felt relief hug his heart. He was so close to leaving yet so far as there was a gun pointed to his head.


"I have a warrant to search this property." Chi-won said holding it up to Jin.

"Um yes of course." He said after checking if it was real. "Please come in." He said and stepped aside.

Chi-won and many other detectives along with Woozi walked in the house.

Woozi and Yoongi made eye contact. He looked down feeling like a failure.

Yoongi gulped and turned around.

"We are gonna need any electronics you have, laptops, tablets, phone, and I noticed you guys have cameras outside of your home." He said turning to Jin.

"Ah yes." He said sweating.

"I also need IDs and and licenses you may have." He said.

Oh fuck.


Taehyung and Namjoon along with Monnie of course we're outside going to there neighbors house to hide Namjoon. He had to admit he was scare of getting caught.

They both walked quickly and once they made it to their neighbors house Taehyung knocked on the door.

Noah opened the door, "Hurry up." He said and opened the door widely.

Taehyung pushed Namjoon into the house and gave Noah the pistol. "Here, make sure he stays quiet, the dog too. I'll come back and get him when this is all over."

Namjoon shook his head, he couldn't speak because his mouth was taped and so were his hands, yet he still managed to carry Monnie. They have to find me they have to find me he repeated in his head. I'm so close to going home please god. He thought again.

"Okay bye baby see you later." Taehyung said and kissed Namjoon's cheek before running back to his own house.

"So what's your favorite movie?" Noah asked and a tear left Namjoon's eye.


Chi-won told people to split up and didn't notice Yoongi, Jin, and Woozi huddled up in a corner.

"What rooms do I have to check?" Woozi asked.

Yoongi swallowed embarrassed. "The red room and the computer room." He said.

Woozi froze and looked at Jin the back at Yoongi. "The what?"

"Just check them or we'll be in a lot of trouble." Jin said.

"Fuck." Woozi mumbled. "And your old IDs?"

"We have them." Jin quickly answered glancing up and back down at Chi-won.

"Thank god." Woozi said. "And your old phones?"

"Gone." Yoongi answered.

"Okay. I'll act like I'm checking those rooms then." Woozi said and took off.

Jin and Yoongi sighed in relief till the eavesdropped on a conversation with a female officer and Chi-won.

"I found this and this. Maybe we can check it out at the police station." She said holding up a jacket they saw Namjoon wear and a hair strain Chi-won nodded.

"Good job but take it out now." He said and she nodded before walking away. "Jin." He said walking up to him. " I need you to answer a few questions."

Jin nodded. "What's up?"

"Why did you guys move?" Chi-won asked taking a recorder out.

"Because why not. We thought about coming to America so we did."

"Okay." Chi-won mumbled writing down some words. "And it just so happens to be a week after Kim Namjoon goes missing?" He asked looking up at Jin.

"I know." Jin said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's quite the coincidence." He said.

"Yeah it is." Chi-won said watching Jin's every move. "May we have a seat?" Chi-won asks and Jin nods.

Chi-won grabbed a file and opened it up before laying some pictures down in front of Jin. "Does that look familiar to you?" Chi-won asked pointing at the picture.

Jin shook his head but boy did it look more than familiar. It was all of them at the gas station. Shit.

"You sure about that?" Chi-won asked and moved the pictures closer to Jin. He then pointed at the truck in the picture. "Thats the same vehicle you have outside." He said and stared at Jin.

Jin gulped. "What a coincidence." He awkwardly said.

"Indeed it is... Where's Namjoon?" Chi-won asked and Jin quickly looked at him. "We don't have him-"

"Liar." Chi-won said and he knows he wasn't suppose to accuse a suspect of lying but he knew they had Namjoon. "Stop lying to my face, I'm not stupid. I'm a detective." He said. "Does it really seem like a coincidence that Yoongi had the same jacket Namjoon is wearing in the photo, does it seem like a coincidence that you left when he gone missing, does it seem like the truck in the photo is the same one outside is a coincidence?" He asked fast and angry. "Where's Namjoon?" He asked again.

"I don't know." Jin said. "We didn't take him if that's what you think if anything we bullied him and I'm sure bullies don't kidnap the people they dont liek." He said. "Now are you guys done looking at our stuff and looking inside my home because we have nothing." He said harshly.

Chi-won and Jin had a stare off for awhile before Chi-won was told by Woozi that they had nothing at all.

Chi-won stood up and took the pictures before shaking Jin's hand. "Sorry sir." He said and walked out the house.

Everyone sighed in relief but little did they know someone knocked someone else unconscious.


There you go cuz someone asked me to update and I couldn't say no <3

Sorry if it was bad I kinda had a headache by uhm omg a few more chapters left and this is over

Sorry for any mistakes

Bye <3

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