•Chapter 20•

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Thank you all so much for waiting patiently for this update. I just woke up from a nap, I haven't been getting a lot sleep these days and ngl its starting to really piss me off. But um, sorry if this chapter isn't very good. Anyway on with the story.


"Mr. Kim." Mr. Han greeted. It has been three days since they first (and last) talked and for those three days Mr. Han has been digging deeper into the way Namjoon went missing and where he may be now. While doing so, he found some things that were quite interesting.

Namsoo nodded, "Mr. Han." He pushed the door open even more to let Mr. Han into his home. "Welcome."

Mr. Han stepped into the house that was dark, no curtains were open, and the place was a bit trashy.

Namsoo seemed to notice the look of Mr. Han's face, he sighed and closed the door. "I know this place is a mess. Sorry." Namsoo scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Mr. Han smiled, "It's fine." He put the backpack that had files onto the ground right next to him. "I can help clean it up before we start. A clean environment is very important." He said sounding like a commercial with the last sentence.

Namsoo smiled. He wanted to get into the word about Namjoon right away, but he also wanted Mr. Han to be as comfortable as possible. "Okay, thanks." Then they started cleaning.

After they were done the two sat at the big dinning table next to each other with coffee and donuts sitting before them.

Mr. Han cleared his throat and took the files out of his bag. "Okay, so right after I interviewed you, and your son's friends. You were the last one to see him that we know of."

Namsoo nodded. He took a sip of his coffee before sitting it down.

"And you also said that he wasn't alone when he called you and told you were he was going." Mr. Han looked at Namsoo for reassurance.

Namsoo nodded. "Yeah, I got to talk to his classmate."

"Okay, okay." Mr. Han said calmly. "Before we get into this, I have to ask, have you been watching TV lately?"

Namsoo tilted his head. "What does watching TV have to do with this?" He said, he felt himself slowly getting upset but thankfully Mr. Han didn't notice.

"I'll take that as a no." Mr. Han said before continuing. "After you left the other day I gotten Namjoon's missing case onto the news." He said and watched for a reaction.

Namsoo looked back at Mr. Han in utter shock. "What?"

"Yeah, but I just wanted to put that out there incase you didn't know. Anyway-" Mr. Han was cut off by a doorbell.

They two looked into that direction and both got up.

Namsoo shook his head. "I got it."

Mr. Han nodded, "Okay," But he still followed Namsoo.

Namsoo opened the door and was about to hold onto it but Mr. Han opened it wider. He blinked and just looked ahead at the person that rang the doorbell.

"Ahhh Officer Han, hello, thank god this is the right house." The man that was still standing outside and holding onto a bag and piece of paper.

Mr. Han smiled. "That's Mr. Han to you or hyung." He said. "But hello to you to Woozi."

Namsoo stood there completely confused, "Uhm."

"Oh right!" Mr. Han said. "This is Lee Jihoon, but call him Woozi, you have my permission." He smiled, "And Woozi this is Namjoon's father, Kim Namsoo."

Woozi smiled. "Hi." He said and took his hand out, Namsoo did the same thing and they shook hands.

"Hello Woozi nice to meet you." Namsoo said, he pulled his hand back and was still confused to why Woozi was there in the first place.

"Like wise." Woozi said. He also pulled his hand back and looked at Mr. Han. "Can we get started because I kinda have to get back home to the wife. She started her period," He whispered.

Mr. Han rolled his eyes and turned to Namsoo. "Namsoo, Woozi will be helping us with this case."

Namsoo frowned but nodded anyway, he then welcomed Woozi into his house. "The more the merrier." He said and they all walked to the kitchen.

"Your house is beautiful Mr. Kim." Woozi looked around the big house. "I could get lost and I wouldn't care." He looked at the two that were already at the table.

"Thank you Woozi."

"Okay now," Woozi pulled his laptop out of his bag, "I traced the phone-"

"But I thought you couldn't do that, because Chanyeol couldn't." Namsoo looked at Woozi and waited for an explanation.

"Well he doesn't have tech like the police do so we tracked the phone-" Woozi opened his laptop and faced it to Namsoo, "-and it brought us here." He said and pointed to a spot on the screen.

Namsoo picked up his glasses and looked at the screen. "What? Where is that at?" He asked and looked up at Woozi.

Woozi sighed.

Mr. Han looked up at Namsoo. "It's here."


Namjoon was still sleeping. The night before he kicked Jungkook out of his room he tried to escape but gave up. The windows were locked and he wasn't about to buss a window and grab the attention of the others. He ain't tryna get punished.

As Namjoon snored softly the door to Jungkook's room opened slowly. Jin peeked inside the room and saw Namjoon was sleeping. He walked in and closed the door behind him quietly.

Jin walked into the room and plugged a night light into the outlet so it wasn't to bright or to dark. He looked at Namjoon's face. There was some hair in the way, so he moved his hand to lightly brush the hair behind his ear. This caused Namjoon to move his head a little bit, and that gave Jin the whole view of his face.

Jin sat there and just stared. He loved the sound of Namjoon's cute little snores. He loved the way you could see a little pout on his lips. He loved the how long his eyes lashes were. He loved how pink his cheeks were and how his nose scrunched when he moved. He loved everything about the boy that was laying in someone else's bed.

That thought made him frown. He looked around Jungkook's room, he saw something that caught his eye so he walked up to it and grabbed it. What he grabbed was Taehyung's pistol.

Jin gulped and held the pistol in both of his hands. He examined it, taking in the details. It amazed him to how something so little can create great pain. It reminded him of Namjoon. Namjoon was so little to their eyes, that when something were to happen to him it would cause an enormous amount of pain to them then to Namjoon.

Jin held the pistol properly and aimed up to the mirror that stood tall in the corner of the room. He inhaled before exhaling. He thought about someone hurting Namjoon, it angered him to no end. He even thought of Taehyung hurting him, Jin wanted to hurt Taehyung because of that, but he got over it. It made him think, is that really how far we would go for Namjoon? It is actually, they would all go far beyond what you can imagine.

All for Namjoon. For a boy that changed the way they feel about everything. For a boy who stole their broken and hurting hearts. They never thought that what they had inside, all the pain, guilt, all the bad sins they committed, would be washed away by a, clumsy, beautifully handsome, extraordinary, intelligent, precious boy. And they felt so lucky to have him. All to themselves.


Im so so sorry for any mistakes. I'm tired but I can't sleep ToT

Anyway um hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for voting and commenting and supporting my book. It means a lot, it really does.

Bye bye <3

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