•Chapter 34•

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...😐 hi


It has been a week since Namjoon had sex with them. Ever since the night with Jungkook he has been trying so hard to avoid everyone and everything. Besides Monnie of course.

Monnie was the only thing Namjoon could run to because he had no one else at the moment. Sure there was Taehyung but he even distanced himself from him too despite how much he trusted him.

What Namjoon was doing was starting to get on everyone's nerves until one person finally did something about it.

Yoongi slammed Namjoon's door closed when he entered the said males room.

Namjoon flinched and wiped his tears away as he was trying to sleep but couldn't because everything was constantly bothering him in his mind.

Yoongi angrily walked up to Namjoon's bed and saw the said male sit up.

Namjoon gasped when his shirt collar was roughly pulled at. He was then slammed against the wall that had a few posters and pictures.

"Speak." Was all Yoongi said to scare Namjoon even more.

"A-about what?" Namjoon stuttered as his hands were on Yoongi's stomach trying to push him away. He squeezed his shirt and saw nothing but anger and Yoongi's eyes.

"What the hell is going on." He said but it didn't really come out like a question but he didn't care.

"N-nothi-" Namjoon was cut off when Yoongi pulled Namjoon forward before pushing him back against the wall making the male cry out scared.

"Bullshit!" Yoongi yelled. "You've been avoiding us and pushing us away everytime we tried to hug you!" He yelled completely furious with Namjoon. "Everytime we tried to ask what was wrong, everytime we did something for you-" He paused. "But you-" He groaned loudly and let Namjoon go before he sat down on Namjoon's bed. He sighed and sniffled. "Just please tell me what's wrong." He said and his voice cracked.

Namjoon gulped. Is he crying? He thought to himself. Already? He stood there shocked before he shook his head and gulped again. Just as he was about so say 'nothing' Yoongi broke out into sobs making Namjoon widen his eyes.

Yoongi wiped his tears away and sobbed again. He felt the bed dip next to him and he turned his head the opposite way because he didn't want Namjoon to see him cry.

"What's wrong?" He asked in a quiet voice. He was gonna rub Yoongi's back but he hesitantly brought his hand back.

Yoongi shook his head. "Tell me why the hell do you keep pushing us away." He said before adding,"It's starting to piss us off to the point were getting mad at each other." He said as he decided to tell him the truth. And of course it was the truth, they started taking their anger out on each other. It got so far that they were willing to hurt each other. Physically.

Namjoon blinked and gulped. "What?" He asked and flinched when Yoongi turned his head to look at him. "But isn't this my fault?" He asked.

Yoongi shook his head, "No." He said decided to let out what he had kept trapped inside for a long time. "It was never your fault Namjoon." He said and swallowed thickly. "Your not at fault. You never were and never will be. It's our fault. We were so, I don't know, obsessed with you." He admitted keeping eye contact with Namjoon, but every now and then they would look away because it just got to intense.

Namjoon was gonna nod but didn't. He already figured out a long time ago that they were obsessed because that's what Taehyung told him.

"We couldn't handle being away from you." Yoongi said. He looked down and sniffled waiting for Namjoon to reply to what he just said.

"Why are you crying?" He asked and Yoongi was a bit confused but shrugged.

"It's stupid." He said and looked at Namjoon. "So please don't push it." He said and Namjoon nodded in understanding.

"Okay." He whispered and looked down when Yoongi looked away. "So why um, why are you guys getting mad at each other?"

"Because we don't want to take our anger out on you. We already hurt you so much and I know every thing is just so confusing with us." Yoongi sniffled and wiped his nose using his shirt. "But we just want you to know that we..." He cleated his throat and looked up at Namjoon. "Your the only one we love." He said making Namjoon get the chills over his body but he didn't show it.

Namjoon blinked innocently. He nodded hesitantly before looking down and licking his lips because they were dry. "Um yeah I know." He said as he played with his fingers. "Taehyung told me already." He paused and looked up to make eye contact with Yoongi. "But I'm sure you already know that." He said.

Yoongi nodded. "I know." He sniffled and looked away. "But why do you keep trying to like stay away from us?" He asked this time.

Namjoon sighed and crossed his legs. "Its hard to explain." He said because it was and also because he didn't want to get a headache from trying to explain. He gulped again. "Can you please tell me why you were crying?" He asked and squeezed his hand.

Yoongi bit back his tears and swallowed a lump in his throat. He shook his head. "Why?" He asked.

"Because I feel like I can help." Namjoon said quietly. But he was doing this because he wanted a door to Yoongi's vulnerable side.

"M-my-" Yoongi sobbed loudly. "M-my mom." Tears rushed down his face again and he started to cry. "Sh-she- she's gone." He said and stood up crying with his back turned away from Namjoon. "I-im sorry i-" He sniffled and turned around, putting his arms down with red eyes looking at Namjoon. "I'm so s-sorry I bullied you about your mom." He said and truly meant it. "I just- I- my mom and I were never on good terms. Like ever." He said and sat right next to Namjoon again and pulled him by the back of his neck forward and kissing him.

Namjoon coughed inside his own mouth and tried pushing Yoongi away. He closed his eyes and pinched Yoongi's neck as hard as he could.

Yoongi pulled back from the kiss in pain. "Ow!" He cried out. "What-"

Namjoon stood up eyeing Yoongi. "Why the fuck do you guys always do something like that after serious moments!?" He yelled, angry. He hated it so much every time they did that.

Yoongi stood up to. "Sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to distract myself-"

"Well do that some other way!" Namjoon yelled and quickly turned around running to his bathroom and locking the door.

Monnie barked at Yoongi before running happily to the bathroom door scratching on it and barking.


Okay so... I went to another mental hospital and yeah... I'm going back to another one soon, I don't really know when but I was told soon. So yeah. I'm sorry about all this, I'm lowkey giving up on dis story and duh utter one but I'll keep trying.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Bye <3

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