•Chapter 22•

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Aye! I know that to call you guys! Nuggets! Idk lol I just had a thought when I was in the kitchen baby sitting my neighbor's son and he feel asleep then I ate the rest off his nuggets and that made me realize how much I love nuggets. I hope you like it <333


"Anything yet?" Namsoo asked desperately. He went to the police department when Chi-won (s3cr3tlov3rs thank you for picking Mr. Han's name <3333) didn't answer his phone calls.

Chi-won sighed. "The six boys that I wanted to speak to have moved to America recently."

Namsoo frowned, he tilted his head like a puppy before speaking. "I thought I told you that they were already interviewed."

Chi-won sighed and nodded before sitting up in his seat. He folded his hands together and looked at Namsoo. "Yeah you told me, but I haft to speak to them myself."

"Why? Your just gonna be wasting time." Namsoo said.

"What time?" Chi-won asked suddenly becoming mean. "My time? Your time-"

"Namjoon's time." Namsoo was getting irritated and annoyed with how Chi-won was acting.

"What time is there for him!?" Chi-won shouted making Namsoo jump a tiny bit, Chi-won then stood up making Namsoo have to look up at him. "He could be dead for all we know and your telling me what to do and I'm wasting time!?" Chi-won scoffed. "You were enough help on this case, not that you really did anything besides annoy me." Chi-won said. He widen his eyes and realized what he said. "Namsoo-"

Namsoo got up and punched Chi-won making him fall to the floor. "I'm worried about him!" Namsoo shouted and got on top of Chi-won, he punched him again. "If you don't want to do your fucking job then I'll have someone else do it for you!" Another punch.

Namsoo felt tears sting at his eyes. What he said next made his heartbreak but at the moment he didn't care because he was all mad with a touch of sad. "And because of you I might never see Namjoon again!!" He threw the hardest punch he could and fell off on Chi-won while breathing hard. He started sobbing. "I just want him back." He said before continuing while ignoring the groans and coughs next to him. "And if you can't help then I'll find someone else to." He said through gritted teeth.

Namsoo stumbled up and grabbed his phone that was laying down next to Chi-won's head.

"Namsoo-" Chi-won grabbed the male's arm but he was pushed off.

"D-don't touch me." Namsoo said in a slight stutter with a choked sob. "I don't need your help." He took a deep breath before saying, "Namjoon doesn't need you help." He said and left the room slamming the door on his way out. What the hell has gotten into him? Namsoo thought before brushing the tears away with the back of his hand and sniffling. "Fucking asshole." He whispered to himself.

(A/N: now we know where Namjoon got his sensitive side from.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jin sighed and put the gear into park. "Is there anything you guys want?" He questioned and took the keys before tucking them into his pocket.

They stopped at a gas station to get gas and to get a bit more snacks since the were running out of both things.

"Mm." Yoongi looked at Jungkook and nodded. "Um yeah, get some banana milk and chocolate." He said and sat back.

"Alright." Jin said and asked if Yoongi wanted the window down so the others can talk to him.

Yoongi nodded and let out a breath, he sunk in his seat and closed his eyes.

"Okay, make sure Namjoon isn't seen." Jin said before closing his doors and walking away.

"Hey hyung!" Taehyung said loudly making Yoongi jump. Taehyung lightly laughed and apologized.

Yoongi shook his head. "Be quiet."

"Why?" Taehyung asked and cleared his throat because it felt scratchy.

"They're sleeping," He said and lazily gestured to the two males sleeping next to him.

Taehyung smiled when he saw Namjoon's sleeping face. So adorable. He thought and smiled even wider thinking about laying next to him and seeing the same cute face. But the sound of a phone ringing pulled him out if his thoughts.

"Is that you?" Yoongi asked and pulled his phone out. "Never mind." He said and answer his phone call. "Hello?" He asked and opened the car door making Taehyung take a few steps back.

Yoongi got out of the truck and was about to close the door but Taehyung held it open wanting to sit next to Namjoon.

Taehyung slipped in next to Namjoon and brought his head onto his shoulder. He lips were closed as he smiled and stared at Namjoon. He admired the way he looked. He loved the way his plump lips looked, to him it looked as if they were begging for a rough kiss. And his eyes, the way they looked with the long and beautiful lashes sitting upon his pink, cute, round, chubby cheeks when his eyes were closed. He sighed, he was happy they finally had him, but he was also sad because they were doing all this to him. He probably doesn't really like us right now. He frowned, but it was turned upside down as a next thought made it's way through his head. He'll learn to love us. He blushed. Love us,  that caught him off guard. He shook his head chasing the thoughts away.


Sorry for such a short chapter and sorry for any mistakes, I have to stop it here because I have some homework to attend to.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thank you so so much for reading my book.

K buh-bye <3

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