•Chapter 27•

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Yoongi looked over at Namjoon as he was texting the group chat he was in.


Yoongs 🐱

Hyung please!

Jinnie Hyung 🌸
No Yoongi we can't get a puppy.

TaeTae 🐯
Y not!?

Kookie 🐰
Yeah Hyung y not!?

Yoongs 🐱
Yeah these 2 idiots want a puppy 2 (but it's not for them)

Kookie 🐰

Jinnie Hyung 🌸
For the last time no!
We can't get a puppy

Hobi 🐴
But hyungggggg
Yoongi already said we were gonna get one to Joonie
You don't want to break his heart do you?

TaeTae 🐯
I mean its the least we can do for him after all we put him through

Yoongs 🐱
And he might trust us more for getting him a puppy

Jinnie Hyung 🌸

TaeTae 🐯

Kookie 🐰

Hobi 🐴
Omg I cant wait!!
What are we gonna name it!?


Yoongi smiled and looked at Namjoon. He is gonna be so excited. He put his phone down and lifted his legs to sit criss-cross-applesauce.

Namjoon giggled at the movie he was watching while hugging his knees. He sighed happily at finally watching a movie after...how long? He had lost track of how long he was with the six guys who had kidnapped him. Oof. He thought but slightly jumped when he heard Jimin's raspy voice from behind him.

"Hey guys." Jimin said and ruffed his bed hair before sitting on a single person couch chair. He was gonna sit next to Namjoon but he decided not to because he saw Namjoon jump, and he remembered what he did to Namjoon in his room. He probably needs space. He thought and yawned.

Yoongi responded with a nod.

Namjoon sunk in his seat and tried to hide behind his legs before mumbling a cute 'hello.'

Jimin smiled at Namjoon when he heard his response. "So, how did you sleep?" He asked but Yoongi answered.

"Good thanks for asking." He said but he didn't know that question was for Namjoon.

Jimin glared at Yoongi. "That question was for Joon." He said and Namjoon blushed at the nickname. Jimin turned his head to look at Namjoon. "So?"

Namjoon shrugged. "It was a bit hot but I slept good." He cleared his throat and shifted around feeling uncomfortable for some reason. "H-how did you sleep?"

Jimin yawned and nodded before leaning back in his seat. "Pretty good." He craned his neck to look at the wall that was playing a movie from the projector. "It this...Minions?" He asked and looked at Namjoon knowing damn well Yoongi didn't pick this movie out.

Namjoon nodded and grabbed a pillow putting it between him and his legs to hide his pink cheeks. "It looked interesting." He said in a quiet and tiny voice mumbling it to himself.

Jimin smiled and nodded because he managed to hear what Namjoon had said. That's adorable. He thought and nodded again turning to look at Yoongi with a smile still on his lips. "So where did everyone go?" He asked.

Yoongi shrugged. "Out. I was asleep when they left."

Jimin rubbed the back of his neck. "Ahhh. Okay." He pulled his new phone from out his pocket and saw he had a lot of notifications. He clicked the one to the group chat and saw that they are getting a puppy for Namjoon. He read over the messages of them discussing what kind of puppy they should get and what to name it.

Jimin frowned and quickly typed something.


Chim 🐶
Maybe you guys should let Namjoon name it


Jimin then sat his phone down and he heard a ding sound coming from Yoongi's phone. He sighed and leaned his head back onto the couch and closed his eyes. He was tired and at that moment he realized how thirsty he was. He licked his lips and sat forward looking at Namjoon. "You thirsty or hungry?"

Namjoon looked at Jimin and quickly nodded causing Jimin to chuckle and stand up.

"C'mon." He said and Namjoon did as he was told. Jimin looked at Yoongi. "Is there anything you want?" He asked.

"Can you bring me a cold water and a popsicle?"

Jimin nodded and walked away with Namjoon walking behind him.

"What would you like to have?" Jimin asked when the entered the kitchen and opened the fridge door.

Namjoon shrugged. "Anything really." He said but wanted a popsicle and cold water like Yoongi. But he didn't want to make himself comfortable although Yoongi said he should be.

"Mmm, you sure?" Jimin asked and looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded not sure at all.

Jimin closed the fridge door, leaning on it, and folding his arms before he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, staring at Namjoon for a little bit then speaking. "Namjoon you don't have to be... Ya know. Unsure all the time, or uncomfortable." He said and licked his dry lips. "We want you to be comfortable."

Namjoon nodded, "I know. And I want to be comfortable too." He said and picked at the hem of his shirt feeling scared and shy.

"Okay then." Jimin sighed out. He turned around and opened the fridge again. "What would you like to have? I can cook something. Just name it."

Namjoon gulped and ended up playing with his hands. "M-may I have a popsicle and cold water like Yoongi?" He asked and looked down at the ground. He curled his toes finding it funny that he could do that.

Jimin nodded and grabbed three water bottles and two popsicles. He handed Namjoon a water bottle and a popsicle with many different colors.

Namjoon smiled before saying a thank you like his father has taught him to do.

Jimin also smiled when he saw Namjoon's dimple, he held back from poking the little cute indents. He flicked his head back to get his bangs out of his face and told Namjoon go lead them way back.


Kk I'm done wif dis chapter finally.

Anyway sorry for any mistakes.

Bye bye bye <3

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