•Chapter 30•

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Namjoon closed his eyes tightly as his jaw was in a tight grip of Yoongi's hand. Namjoon whimpered and hit Yoongi trying to push him away because he didn't want to drop his puppy, so he slid down to the floor and let the puppy go.

Monnie ran to a pile of clothes laying down on it as he didn't understand what was going on.

Yoongi kissed Namjoon roughly while holding his face in his hands. The whimpers and moans coming from the said male inspired Yoongi to continue even more, but little did he know that those sounds were out of pain and disliking's. Yoongi pulled back hearing a gasp from Namjoon.

"Y-yoongi-" But Namjoon was suddenly cut off as he was pulled to lay down on the floor flatly. He turned his head and covered his mouth with the back of his hand. "Wait-" He coughed but his hand was pulled away and pinned above his head along with his other hand.

Yoongi then kissed Namjoon again but more gently and with more passion. He didn't like the way Namjoon kept turning his head side to side to escape his kisses so he grabbed his jaw with one hand as he kept the others pinned still and kissed him roughly again.

Namjoon whined and pulled at this wrists trying to break free. He tried turning his head again but couldn't. So he started to shake violently as he felt like he was gonna faint. He felt Yoongi bite onto his bottom lip gently and that made him moan quietly. He felt Yoongi smirk against his lips and the male pulled back making Namjoon gasp for air again.

"What was that?" Yoongi asked with an arched eyebrow.

Namjoon almost blushed but looked at Yoongi angrily. "I almost died!" He said loudly and turned his head to cough.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You'll live." He said staring at his lips about to lean in again but Namjoon's sentence stopped him.

"Yoongi please." He said breathlessly and sighed. "Stop, can we just-" He gulped. "Watch that movie?" He asked trying so hard not to freak out. He is a good fucking kisser. He thought but tried to dislike his kisses.

"Why?" He tilted his head. "You didn't want to earlier." He said.

Namjoon nodded and decided to tell the truth. Well some of the truth. "I just want to watch TV right now because you triggered me and not only that but a part of me feels afraid of you still." He said with a shaky voice. "And kissing me wasn't a good idea."

Yoongi looked at Namjoon's face for a little bit as he saw fear in his eyes. He sighed and nodded, I don't want him to be afraid on me even more. He thought. "Okay fine. We'll watch that movie." He said and finally remembered that he was gonna apologize to him. He got up off of Namjoon and sticked his hand out to help Namjoon up. Well it looks like I'll have to apologize for what just happened too. He sighed. Fucking stupid- he cleared his throat.

Namjoon quietly walked over to Monnie and picked the small puppy up. He smiled when Monnie licked his face then his lips.

Yoongi glared at the puppy when he saw it lick Namjoon's face and lips. He huffed and turned around feeling stupid because he got jealous of a dog. "Come sit over where you sat last time." He said and motioned over to his bed.

Namjoon nodded. He licked his lips before whipping at them. He sighed acting like he wasn't thinking about the kiss and how much of a good kisser Yoongi was. He moved the blanket over and sat down before sitting Monnie inside the little criss-cross-applesauce dip. He smiled and ruffled it's fluffy hair. "Your so cute."

Moonie barked making Namjoon flinch.

"Aish don't do that!" Namjoon whisper yelled while pointing his finger at him. "That scared me." He mumbled with a pout. He then yawned when he saw Monnie yawn. That's when he realized how tired he felt.

Yoongi sat down with the remote in his hand and looked at Namjoon. "What do you want to watch?" He asked and rearranged his pillow.

Namjoon shrugged. "Actually um..." He licked his lips. "Can we go see Monnie's room?" He asked as he avoided eye contact. "He's tired so I think we o-or I, um I don't know. " He mumbled, "U-um I should go take him to his room so he could sleep." He finished awkwardly before he bit the inside of his cheek.

Yoongi sighed getting annoyed with Namjoon a little bit. "But I thought you wanted to watch a movie." He whined making Namjoon shocked.

"U-um well technically you kind of, sorta, made me uh, watch um-" Namjoon gulped when Yoongi looked at him with anger in his eyes. "Well you- i-its like you kinda made me watch TV with you." He said and looked down at Monnie and began to play with his ears. "Can I just take him to his room? I'll be right back." He swallowed thickly. "I promise."

Yoongi sighed and sunk in his position. "Just leave him here. He'll be okay." He gulped before licking his lips. He thought about how this isn't going to be Namjoon's only attempt to go to 'Monnie's' room. I have to come up with something. He thought before an idea popped into his mind. "And besides, we're turning Monnie's room into a storage room.

Namjoon smiled widely and looked at Yoongi. "Does that mean he lives in my room with me!?" He asked excited.

Yoongi nodded and slightly smiled with Namjoon picked Monnie up and kissed his forehead.

"We're gonna be roommates!" Namjoon smiled and hugged Monnie.

Monnie barked and licked Namjoon's neck and ear before barking again. But the happy moment was interrupted by Jin coming into the room and telling both Yoongi and Namjoon to help him cook because the other guys left... Again.


Woah. Is it just me that's losing interest in dis book?... Be honest.

Anyway, sorry for any mistakes in dis chapter. I... Am gonna be honest with you. I literally fell asleep at least three time trying to make dis one chapter 😂😂😂


Anyway again, um uhhhhh idk, lol uh yeah. Bye bye bye <3

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