•Chapter 9•

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Everyone thank k__kimnamjoon__ for this chapter. They are the reason I'm updating this.


Jimin quickly turned around and took his hand back. "What the fu-"

"I-i'm s-sorry! I meant to grab your wrist!" Namjoon quickly said before
Jimin got the wrong idea. Which he did before Namjoon said anything about grabbing his wrist.

"Whatever... What do you want?"

It was quiet for a second before Namjoon spoke. "I forgot."

Jimin rolled his eyes and turned around before walking off. "C'mon," He said with his hands in his pockets

Namjoon trailed behind him in silence before he broke it. "J-jimin?" He asked softly while fiddling with his fingers.

"What?" Jimin asked in a some-what deep voice causing Namjoon to roll his eyes.

Namjoon took a breathe before putting his hands to his sides and cleaning his throat. "Um can I-" He sighed annoyed with himself. "May I have my phone back? Please?


Namjoon looked down at the stairs he and Jimin were now descending. He sighed once again. He was tired and it wasn't physically tired. "Nevermind." He said in a small voice.

Jimin stopped. He turned around causing Namjoon to flinch. He pulled Namjoon's phone out of his pocket. "Here." He handed Namjoon the object.

Namjoon's eyes lit up, and a smile made its way to his face when he saw the object that was in Jimin's hand. He took the phone calmly and turned it on. There were a few missed calls from Chanyeol and a few more from Baekhyun.

(A/N: I ship them too nom_nom_joon idky I chose to do y/n)

"Thank you." Namjoon said genuinely thankful.

Jimin turned around and started walking. He smiled, seeing the way Namjoon reacted affected him deeply, and he didn't know why. "Your welcome," He said still smiling.

Namjoon turned his phone off and followed Jimin. Now that I got my phone all I need are my things. I have to figure that out. Oof. He thought before asking Jimin another question. "Um Jimin? Can I uhm, can I have the rest of my belongings back?" He looked up with a hopeful stare although Jimin couldn't see him.

"Not till we take you home." Jimin opened a door before Namjoon pouted and looked down. Welp it was worth a shot. But it looks like I am leaving my stuff again. He huffed. "Can I use the bathroom?"

Jimin sighed annoyed. "But you already used it." Jimin turned and looked back. "Hurry up."

Namjoon quickly nodded and turned around before he bit his lip and turned around again. "Where's it at?"

Jimin rolled his eyes getting even more annoyed. "Go back to my room and use my bathroom."

"Okay," Namjoon saw the annoyed look on Jimin's face and frowned. I'm sorry I'm annoying you.

Before you knew it Namjoon made it to Jimin's bathroom. He turned the nob and opened the door. He walked in and quickly closed the door and locked it. He turned his phone on and did his password before he called one of his friends.

Namjoon held the phone up to his ear. He bit his lip because anxiety was slowly getting to him. He was nervous  anxious, and scared. He hands were sweating and shaking. "Please pick up." He quietly begged.

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