•Chapter 31•

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Namjoon sat Monnie on the couch after asking Jin if he could. He pulled a blanket over the small puppy before kissing its head. "Sleep well." He whispered before kissing its head again and walking away.

"How do you like Monnie?" Jin asked as he was washing the vegetables.

Namjoon smiled. "I love him. Thank you." He said.

Jin smiled. "Your welcome."

Namjoon leaned against the counter and folded his hands together. "So, what should I do?" He asked.

"Oh um can you- ah shit where is Yoongi at?" Jin asked as he turned the water off and looked at Namjoon.

Namjoon shrugged, "I don't know. I think he went to the bathroom." He said.

"Okay um wait here I gotta get some pots and pans from the storage room." Jin said and turned around to walk away but Namjoon stopped him.

"I-I can get the pots and pans." He stuttered and Jin turned around. "I mean only if you want me to." He said as he played with his hands standing up straighter.

"You know where the storage room is at?" Jin asked.

Namjoon nodded. "Yeah!" He smiled.

Jin sighed and shrugged his shoulders before grabbing a kitchen knife and cutting up the vegetables. "Okay. But get at least one pot and one pan okay?" He asked pointing the knife at Namjoon freaking the male out a little bit.

Namjoon gulped and nodded. "O-okay." He said. He walked to the staircase that lead to the 'storage room.'

Jin had his back turned to Namjoon so he didn't see where he was going.

Namjoon walked up the stairs quietly while minding his own business, not prepared for what he was about to see.

When he entered the so-called storage room he was completely freaked out and disgusting. "W-what the fuck." He whispered.

What Namjoon saw was udderly disturbing. He saw pictures of him hanging all over the walls. He saw computers lined up with pictures of him naked as the desktop background.

Ew. Namjoon thought as he walked around the room. He walked up the the computer and tried to open it but it was locked. He tried getting into the other ones but everything was locked. "Fuck." He whispered. When he turned around he took a few steps back because he saw a huge collage of him completely bare. Pictures here and there of him with no clothes on.

"Oh my god." Namjoon whispered with tears threatening to leave his eyes. Is this when...oh my god. He put his hand over his mouth to keep his sobs in. I have to get out of here. He thought. He sobbed into his hand and was about to walk out because if he were caught in that room then who knows what will happen to him. He didn't and he sure as hell didn't want to find out.

But when he was gonna leave he saw his bag.

Namjoon rushed to it quietly. If he finds his laptop he could get into it because he thought they didn't unlock it. But when he opened his bag all he saw was wallets, phones, and his own notebooks.

"What?" Namjoon whispered. "Where is..." He pushed everything around trying to find his lap top but he couldn't see it or feel it. So he grabbed a random phone and tried turning it on but it didn't turn on, same thing with the other phones.

Namjoon sighed frustrated. His face was wet with tears but not out of sadness, out of anger. He was so pissed and scared that he just wanted to die right then and there.

Namjoon sobbed and sniffled, he wiped his nose with the back of his hand not caring if it was disgusting. "I can't be here anymore." He whispered. "I can't fucking be here anymore." He said louder through gritter teeth.

Namjoon coughed and sniffled before grabbing a black wallet. He opened it and boy did he wish he didn't. What. The. Hell. He thought. He dropped the wallet and grabbed a different wallet opening it up. Then one after another he screamed out in frustration and put all the phones and wallets into the bag as fast as he could with teary eyes before he got up and marched downstairs with the bag in his hand.

"Namjoon!" Jin yelled out as he was still cutting the vegetables, but then he almost cut his finger off when Namjoon yelled and threw his bag on the counter in front of Jin.

"What the hell is this!? Is it some sick fucking joke!?" Namjoon shouted and Yoongi came running into the kitchen in Namjoon's sight.

"Namjoon-" Jin started through gritted teeth but Namjoon interrupted him.

"You guys are in your fucking twenties and thirties!" Namjoon yelled with rage and disgust. "Your not fucking teenagers!" He yelled even louder with angry tears leaving his eyes.

Jin and Yoongi stood there speechless but then Yoongi spoke.

"Why the hell did you go in that room?" He asked looking at Namjoon with infuriated eyes.

"Because you said that room was a fucking storage room." Namjoon spoke beyond pissed. "Now why the hell did you guys lie about your ages?" Namjoon asked but both males didn't answer which pissed him off even more. "Why the hell did you guys lie!?" He shouted making Yoongi and Jin look down.

Namjoon stood there staring at the two older males in the room before he scoffed. "It doesn't matter." He said making Yoongi and Jin look up confused. "You guys were legal and I wasn't." He said as a tear fell from his eye. "So you guys basically earned yourselves lifetime in prison, hell maybe even a death sentence." He said before he turned around and walked away. He walked to the living room getting Monnie who was awakened by Namjoon's yelling. He then walked up stairs to his room, closing the door then locking it.

Namjoon couldn't escape because if he did the alarm would go off and everyone will know he was trying to leave. And the doorknobs and windows wouldn't be able to recognize Namjoon at all, the house they moved into was actually designed by mainly technology and not all that other stuff houses were usually build by.

Anyway, there Jin and Yoongi stood.

"I told you we should've told him." Yoongi said before walking away to go talk to Namjoon.


Ngl that was alota tea spilling like oof.

Idk anyway sorry for any mistakes.

Byeeee <3

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