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If you don't want to listen to me rant then LEAVE.

Okay so I'm sure u guys got the update thing. And it's not loading. Let me tell you why. Okay so I was typing away feeling proud of myself bcuz I just was and then out of know where my big bro takes my FUCKING PHONE AND PUBLISHED THE GOD DAMN CHAPTER WHEN I WASN'T FINISHED. THEN HE SAYS "oops I wanted to delete it" SO HE DELETED ALL ON MY HARD WORK AND MADE ME FIGHT FOR MY PHONE BACK.

I'm not gonna lie I am literally so pissed rn like I can do suicide and my  big bro would think of it as a joke. Like fml I seriously hate it. I just- I might as will kms, so goodbye everyone I give up. Like I really wanted to update for you guys tonight  and ugh- im sorry I really am. But if I don't update again the I am probably pǝɐp.

Okay byeeee

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